Agriteam was built upon a foundation of agricultural and food security expertise, and the sector remains a core area of expertise today. We strive to contribute to ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture.
Our experts advise on all aspects of agricultural development and food security, ranging from agricultural policy analysis and strategic planning to building the productivity, asset base and self-reliance of smallholders, including adaptation to and mitigation of climate change.
- Crop production and processing including bio-fuel analysis
- Feedstuffs production, processing and marketing
- Post-harvest handling, processing, marketing and agro-industrial enterprise
- Pasture management including community-based co-management systems
- Livestock production and processing
- Animal health, epidemiology and information systems
- Food safety, inspection and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
- Land and water resources management including irrigation systems
- Environmental impact assessment and management
- Feasibility studies and strategic planning
- Agricultural policy and economics
- Agricultural credit
- Agricultural market development, grading systems and commodity markets
- Business planning and enterprise start-up
- Farm management
- Farm level commodity marketing and risk management
- Climate-smart agriculture technologies
- Sanitary and phytosanitary requirements for international agri-food trade
- Food safety certification
Agriteam has implemented more than 145 agricultural and food security projects in 40 countries around the world.
ETHIOPIA: Support to Agricultural Growth in Ethiopia (AGP) (Global Affairs Canada, 2016-2021)
This agriculture project is supporting the second phase of the Government of Ethiopia’s Agriculture Growth Programme (AGP2) by strengthening the capacity of government staff and implementing agencies responsible for AGP2 to improve its delivery; thereby supporting the agriculture sector in Ethiopia, and the production, commercialization, research and small-scale irrigation sub-sectors. Agriteam staff are working to facilitate a common, systemic approach to AGP2 implementation and build the capacity of federal, regional, zonal, and woreda staff to facilitate and train, and to develop training programs based on adult learning principles and practices. At the same time, through a learning-by-doing approach, the project is supporting AGP2 Project Coordinating Units and key implementing agencies to implement AGP2 in an efficient and high-quality manner. The project is being implemented in 161 woredas in 35 zones, providing approximately 5,000 government and non-government personnel with new skills and competencies. These individuals will know how to develop, train and facilitate good capacity strengthening and application programs based on a well-defined, systematic capacity development approach, and be able to correctly apply the AGP2 administrative and management operations, systems and processes; promote linkages, coordination and collaboration; and ensure that gender, safeguards, nutrition and climate-smart initiatives are well-integrated across all program components.
ETHIOPIA: Technical Assistance to Strengthen Capacity Development for the Productive Safety Net Program Phase 4 (PSNP4) (World Bank, 2017-2020)
ETHIOPIA: Small-Scale and Micro Irrigation Support (SMIS) Project Global Affairs Canada and the (Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 2014-2019)
SOUTH SUDAN: Building Resilient Agricultural Production (BRAP) (Global Affairs Canada, 2015 –2017)
Women are the key agricultural producers and providers for household food security in South Sudan. BRAP focused on the role of women to increase agricultural production through programming targeted at field crops (cereal grains, vegetables and fruit), small and micro-scale irrigation development, aquaculture, and poultry/small ruminants. In addition to production assistance, Agriteam worked with producers and community groups to improve the value chain for food products through better post-harvest processing, storage and marketing. Support to farmers included inputs such as seeds, tools, and equipment, as well as training for farmers, agriculture extension workers and animal health workers designed to help farmers engage in planning and policy at the state and national level.
AFGHANISTAN: Kandahar Local Initiatives Program (Global Affairs Canada, 2009-2012)
Within the Program, Agriteam led a number of initiatives designed and implemented in conjunction with the provincial and district government, community and district development committees, and the International Stabilization Assistance Force (ISAF). Project activities targeted food security and livelihood issues and included: irrigation rehabilitation; procurement and distribution of agricultural inputs (wheat seed, fertilizer and small ruminants); enhancement of agricultural extension services; domestic water supply through well drilling and hand pump installation, health and hygiene awareness for women, and vocational training in mechanics, masonry, carpentry or tailoring to create opportunities for young men, and also creating opportunities for women given the cultural context and the opportunities open to them.
CHINA: Canada-China Livestock Health Extension Services Project (Global Affairs Canada, 2005-2011)
Project results included innovations in the handling of waste from the veterinary and human medical systems, and the establishment of provincial initiatives to collect and dispose of syringes. Another highly successful result of the project was the massive reduction of insect populations in pig farms by improving animal care practices among rural farmers.
BANGLADESH: Poultry Sector Development Project (Global Affairs Canada, 1998-2005)
Poultry farmers and feed mill operators were provided technical assistance via improved extension services, on-site training and demonstrations, and support from Canadian poultry sector specialists. These interventions were paired with infrastructure upgrades, national policy reform and new private-sector investment of approximately CAD $45 million.
A focus on women’s entrepreneurship ensured that women poultry farm owners shared equally in the economic prosperity generated by the growing poultry industry. To address gender inequality in the sector, seven women-owned poultry farms were piloted with linkages to market access.