Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement April 2024

Alinea International Ltd. is a private global development company with corporate offices in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Luxembourg.

Alinea has zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking and is fully committed to preventing these illegal activities in our operation and supply chain. The Company has implemented robust safeguarding policies, procedures, and controls designed to ensure that everyone who works with us or for us understands their obligation to conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical standards by protecting and promoting all human rights.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1 ) of the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes Alinea’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30 September 2023.

1 Our Business and Supply Chains

Alinea is an international development consultancy with more than 35 years of experience in this sector.  Specialising in social, economic, environmental, and institutional development, the Company works with public organisations and private businesses delivering tailored development, business, and training services worldwide. Alinea manages and participates in short-term missions and longer-term assignments through supporting international teams, as well as individual specialist consultants. We operate in countries which are the recipients of Overseas Development Assistance, many of them fragile or conflict-affected states. 

We establish a relationship of trust and integrity with all our suppliers, which is built upon mutually beneficial factors. Our supplier selection and onboarding procedure includes due diligence of the supplier’s reputation, respect for the law, compliance with health, safety and environmental standards, and references.

Our supply chain includes sub-contracted organisations and independent consultants operating worldwide. Our work requires that we develop supply chains in difficult environments, including countries with significant poverty, limited understanding of human trafficking and modern slavery, and limited capability to monitor and deal with human rights abuses including modern slavery. We endeavour to ensure that all our programmes do not support modern slavery through appropriate policies, guidelines, and processes to identify and prevent modern slavery.

2 Assessing and Managing Risk

Alinea has undertaken a modern slavery risk assessment. The nature of our work requires us to operate in countries where there is a high risk of modern slavery and human trafficking, but as providers of technical consultancy services, the overall risk is low. 

Our most significant areas of risk lie with our in-country support staff, particularly those on lower incomes or working in Fragile and Conflict Affected States, and amongst similar workers in our supply chains.

We seek to minimise these risks by:

  • raising awareness of company policies;
  • consistent enforcement of those policies;
  • a comprehensive due diligence procedure, and;
  • a rigorous risk management process. 

3 Policies

Alinea is a member of the United Nations Global Compact and our policies endorse the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and Forced Labour Convention.

Our comprehensive Codes of Conduct establish the Company’s commitment to respect for human rights and our zero-tolerance attitude towards inaction in the face of any safeguarding abuse. All Alinea staff and business partners agree to be bound by these standards when they undergo due diligence and again when they sign their contracts of engagement.


  • Code of Conduct
  • Business Partner Code of Conduct
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Whistleblower Policy
  • Due Diligence Policy
  • Employment Policy
  • Recruitment Policy
  • Risk Management Policy

4 Due Diligence

Alinea International conducts due diligence on all new staff and business partners prior to engagement and periodically thereafter. Our due diligence process for individuals and businesses includes:

  • a standardized self-declaration questionnaire;
  • reference checking;
  • independent third-party screening; and
  • in-house Internet screening.

Individuals and businesses who have undergone due diligence are added to our list of approved suppliers. Project teams only engage suppliers from the approved supplier lists.

5 Awareness, Training and Monitoring

Before engagement, all new staff and business partners are made aware of the Company’s zero-tolerance attitude to modern slavery and human trafficking via the Codes of Conduct. On induction, all staff receive training across all policies and thereafter annual training is delivered. 

Our corporate and in-country offices display a whistleblower poster highlighting areas of concern, which must be reported. This poster is translated into country-specific language to ensure that all staff and visitors to the office can understand the commitment and know how they can raise a concern.

It is Company policy that all significant risks to the Company’s operations should be identified, analysed, evaluated, mitigated satisfactorily, monitored, and regularly reviewed. Each project must complete and maintain a risk register. The risk register is monitored monthly by the project director and periodically reviewed by the Director, Risk Management who in turn reports to the management committee.

Our Business Partners are required to submit an annual declaration confirming that there are no modern slavery practices taking place within their organisation or within their downstream supply chains.

The Company commits to monitoring against KPIs set by the management committee in 2024.


6 Reporting Concerns 

Through the Whistleblower Policy, Alinea ensures that safe, appropriate, and accessible means of reporting concerns about modern slavery and human trafficking are made available to our staff and the communities we work with. The Policy specifically includes a commitment to safeguard the identity of any whistleblower and to protect that person against reprisals. 

Staff must report any actual or suspected concerns immediately. Our zero-tolerance commitment means that any failure to report a concern could be viewed as gross misconduct and might result in disciplinary action or even dismissal.

Alinea will also accept complaints from external sources such as members of the public, partners, and official bodies. Reports may be made through any of the following channels:

Safeguarding Officer, Shelley Priebe:

Director, Risk Management, Charles Duff:

Or through Alinea’s Whistleblower Hotline:

Or through the Company website:

In addition, where there are suspicions or allegations of improper conduct of any kind in relation to a project funded by the UK Government, a report can be made to:

Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Counter Fraud and Whistleblowing Unit (CFWU) at
Or +44 (0) 1355 843747
Or the Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121700
Or website:


7 Monitoring Effectiveness 

All modern slavery concerns raised with Alinea either via formal or informal mechanisms are referred to the Director, Risk Management and reviewed at management committee meetings.


1)  Report on the number of modern slavery concerns raised by:

     a) Our staff: March 2023/2024 – None

     b) Our Suppliers: March 2023/2024 – None

     c) External Sources: March 2023/2024 – None

2) Report on the number of concerns responded to: N/A

3) Report on the number UK based Alinea staff who have undertaken modern slavery awareness training as part of their onboarding and / or annual Code of Conduct training: 80%

8 The Year Ahead

Alinea commits to:

  • continuing to protect and promote human rights;
  • developing a deeper awareness of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking through targeted training for those involved in higher risk projects;
  • Monitoring performance against our established KPIs;
  • An annual review of our systems and processes to ensure effective implementation of our policy on modern slavery and commitment to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

9 Approval

This statement was considered and approved by Alinea’s management committee and signed by the President on 30 April 2024.

Robert Francis.
President & CEO.
Alinea International