We are celebrating World One Health Day by highlighting our Gender Responsive One-Health (GROH) project.

This community-driven One Health initiative is being implemented in Kenya and Ethiopia, both countries characterized by significant level of endemic zoonotic diseases (EZDs) and health risks at the human-animal-environment interface. GROH is engaging with communities to help them proactively reduce the prevalence of these diseases in a gender-responsive way, so that improvements in community health can happen hand-in-hand with empowerment of women and girls.

‘One Health’ is an integrated approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and the environment and provides underlying local resources to respond to global health threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

In Meru County, Kenya, Alinea partners with Farmers Helping Farmers Canada, building on their longstanding work to empower women’s groups and dairy coops and improve school food programs. GROH is raising awareness about zoonotic diseases, training paravets and community health workers, strengthening community-based disease surveillance systems, and piloting walk-in clinics to promote herd health, including animal vaccination. GROH has also been working with the county government to strengthen the County One Health Unit, and assist in the development of a new food safety policy.

In Ethiopia, Alinea is partnering with Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse in pastoralist and semi-pastoralist areas of Gode Woreda, Somali Regional State. GROH is establishing local One Health programs with broad community engagement including strong participation and leadership of women. These One Health Units pair paravets with community health workers to jointly provide human and animal health services in project communities. The impact of climate change in this semi-arid environment presents significant challenges to the communities, their livestock and their livelihoods, which are being addressed through the project.

The GROH project is Funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented by Alinea with Farmers Helping Farmers Canada and Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse’s Ethiopia Country Office.