The Quality Assurance System initiative, which is being implemented as part of the SURGe project with the State Service for Education Quality, has launched the website. It contains a unique database of current Educational programs for teaching Ukrainian refugee children and information for their parents.

More than 16 000 website visitors from Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Netherlands, USA, Canada, and other countries have already found information about the Ukrainian education system for their countries.

The website consists of two blocks in Ukrainian and English, respectively. The English-language part of the website was created for the ministries, schools, and teachers. On the website, they can find information on how the school education system is organized in Ukraine, and most importantly – they can download current educational programs in use for teaching Ukrainian children.

The other part of the website was created for parents and includes a Q&A about the educational organization for their children.

The information on the site will be regularly updated with the news and explanations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, legislation changes, and other updates in the education field.