Preparation of a Master Plan for Development of a Food Development Center
Government of Brunei Darussalam, 700,000, 2012-2014
Agriteam was contracted by the Government of Brunei to lead the development of an Agrifood Innovation Center, including the planning, preparation of recommendations for activities, facilities, equipment and process mapping, human resources development, opportunities for international collaboration, study tours, environmental assessment and project appraisal, and preparation of inventory of materials and documentation.

Cambodia Agriculture Market Information Project (CAMIP)
Global Affairs Canada, $4.2M, 2006-2010
As increasing numbers of Cambodian farmers are moving from subsistence farming to farming with a marketable surplus, elements of farm management have become an increasing priority. In response, Agriteam developed CAMIP to improve the Cambodian Agricultural Marketing Information System and build the capacity of various government agriculture departments to provide useful market intelligence to farmers and agribusinesses in 11 provinces and Phnom Penh Municipality.
Key project activities included: upgrading and expansion of existing hardware and software infrastructure, including data collection/processing; building the capacity of national government personnel in market analysis and provision of market intelligence; building the capacity of extension providers to produce and disseminate agriculture market information; and increased farmer understanding of agriculture market information through the use of Farmer Marketing Schools. Due to the scarce technical and management capacity within the Cambodian agricultural market information sector, Agriteam adopted a strategy of using Canadian expertise to begin the project while recruiting and training Cambodians to replace the Canadians over the course of the four-year project.

Technical Assistance to Support the Implementation of the Women’s Plan of Action
Asian Development Bank, USD $700,000, 2001 – 2003
This technical assistance consultancy supported the Government of Fiji in implementing its Women’s Plan of Action, and to meet its international commitments in the area of gender equality. Agriteam assisted the Ministry of Women, Social Welfare and Poverty Alleviation and the Task Force on Gender Mainstreaming to begin systematically assessing and analyzing national and sectoral policies and programs for gender responsiveness. Agriteam’s team of international and domestic consultants increased capacity among gender focal points and officials in the planning units of each ministry to undertake gender-responsive policy, planning and program development; implemented gender audits of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture, audited select policies and programs in each ministry; developed a gender assessment framework, including tools, materials and gender-sensitive indicators; and generated two technical publications on the gender audits in Agriculture and Health for replication in other ministries.

Women’s Support Project, Phase II (WSPII)
Global Affairs Canada, $12.2M, 1996 – 2001
WSP II, was a complex, six-year project to build capacity in gender equity policy and planning in Indonesia. WSP II worked with more than 20 partners in government (at both the national and provincial levels), six academic institutions, and 150 civil society organizations to raise awareness and mobilize both government and non-government stakeholders around the issue of gender violence. The project’s approach to institutional capacity development had two main thrusts: (i) strengthening the capacity of Indonesia’s national Ministry for Women’s Empowerment to work with its strategic partners for gender mainstreaming; and (ii) developing the capacity of the strategic partners from government, academia and civil society to undertake and/or contribute to gender-responsive policy, planning and monitoring.
In addition to working with multiple partners in Indonesia, WSP II also developed regional linkages by facilitating a workshop that brought together national government bodies from the Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Canada, to share insights and lessons learned from each country.
WSP II achieved many notable, high-level results, including a gender analysis policy directive from the President of Indonesia to include gender mainstreaming in the five-year National Development Plan, and the production of Indonesia’s first National Plan of Action for Eliminating Violence Against Women (EVAW), and establishment of a permanent National Action Committee on EVAW reporting to the President.

Skills for Conflict Prevention: Engagement, Partnership Brokering, Negotiation, Facilitation (Skills Ph1)
Global Affairs Canada (START Program), $811,000, 2013 – 2014
The project worked to build peace during Myanmar’s transition from authoritarianism to democracy through building the advocacy and negotiation skills of two ethnic minority groups (Pa-Po and Danu) located in semi-autonomous regions of the country. Agriteam and partners worked with minority civil society groups to provide them with the skills to advocate for their interests with the government, and also to help their communities develop through effective collaboration and stronger participation in law-making and development planning, and the advancement and inclusion of women. The most significant accomplishment of this project was overcoming a history of conflict between one of the targeted ethnic groups and the Burmese government and bringing them together to conduct peaceful talks for the first time.

Local Governance Support Program in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (LGSPA)
Global Affairs Canada, $15.6M, 2005 – 2010
This governance and peace building project was implemented in the fragile and conflict-affected Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao in Southern Philippines. The goal of LGSPA was to support the Government of the Philippines’ and the Autonomous Region in creating sustainable communities characterized by economic growth, peace, social equity, environmental sustainability and good governance. LGSPA engaged all 118 municipalities and two cities in the Region, all six provincial governments, the ARMM Regional Government, and the Local Government Unit Leagues, building local government capacity in leadership and management, effective service delivery, resource generation and management, economic growth, and participatory governance/peace building. The project also worked on the demand side of governance, supporting civil society organizations, NGOs, peace networks, academia, media groups and Muslim religious leaders to improve their capacity in advocacy and participation in local governance consultations. Chief among LGSPA results is the establishment of a Muslim Mindanao Halal Certification Board, an important step toward developing the halal industry, generating economic growth and reducing poverty in the region.

Private Enterprise Accelerated Resources Linkages, Phase 2 (PEARL 2)
Global Affairs Canada, $9.2M, 2004-2010
PEARL2 contributed to poverty reduction and job creation in the Philippines by working with over 50 Business Support Organizations (BSOs) to assist in the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Designed to support the Government of the Philippines’ National Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan, PEARL2 delivered support through three channels: delivering business support services in areas such as business strategy, productivity, marketing, exporting, management and sustainability; providing a responsive funding mechanism ($1.3M) to business and industry associations, research and academic institutions and government agencies to support sub-projects in SME growth and development; and working with the Board of Investments and local investment promotion groups to enhance regional investments. As a result, partners enhanced their skills, numerous operations, training, and instruction manuals and advocacy studies on SME development were developed and utilized, and SME competitiveness was increased, leading to strengthened markets, to job creation and an improved climate for business investment.

Local Government Support Program (LGSP II)
Global Affairs Canada, $32M, 1999 – 2006
The goal of the Local Government Support Program (LGSP II) was to contribute to equitable growth and poverty reduction in the Philippines through more effective and participatory local governance. In collaboration with the national Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the program assisted municipalities, communities, CSOs, NGOs, donors and the private sector to plan and deliver sound economic and social programs in response to citizens’ needs. At the local level, Agriteam developed the capacity of 205 Local Government Units (LGUs) in leadership, planning and management, service delivery, revenue generation and community engagement. 22 LGUs developed investment promotion plans and 73 entered into joint ventures with the private sector, an innovative financing approach for the Philippines at the time.
At the national level, LGSPII strengthened the DILG, municipal leagues and NGO associations in systems leadership, intergovernmental cooperation, policy reform, local government performance measurement, development planning, and the assessment and replication of innovative pilot practices. LGSPII was selected by the Government of Canada as a model capacity development project in 2003, and as a case study for local governance capacity development by the European Centre for Development Policy Management in 2004.

Vietnam Skills for Employment Project (VSEP)
Global Affairs Canada, $20M, 2014-2020
VSEP will contribute to sustainable economic growth in Vietnam by improving the enabling environment for investment, supporting rural small and medium-size enterprise development and enhancing access to skills for employment. Working in partnership with the Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh, Agriteam will strengthen Vietnamese capacity for Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) leadership and management, and enable the knowledge-building and sharing of best practices in TVET institutions by developing two Training Centres of Advanced Management in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi. The project is also strengthening management of the TVET system at the provincial level in Hau Giang, Vinh Long and Binh Thuan; improving the performance of one leading TVET institution in each of the target provinces; and improving the performance of select community colleges throughout the country.

Judicial Development and Grassroots Engagement (JUDGE)
Global Affairs Canada, $12.5M, 2006 – 2013
In the process of transitioning from a centrally-planned economy to a market economy, Vietnam has undergone a parallel process of large-scale judicial reform and institutional improvement in the last 20 years. In support of this transition, Agriteam partnered with the Vietnam’s Supreme People’s Court and Ministry of Justice to strengthen and modernize the Vietnamese justice system, promote citizen’s access to the courts, and foster more transparent and accountable governance. The key objectives of JUDGE were three-fold: 1) professional training for judicial personnel in line with international standards and principles, 2) improved efficiency through administrative/procedural reform, and 3) improved dispute resolution and dissemination of legal information to citizens.
To meet these objectives, Agriteam employed a variety of innovative solutions including the use of select pilot courts to test administrative reforms. These reforms are now being included in the recent amendments to the Vietnam Civil Procedure Code (2015), which provides the legal framework to have them instituted in all courts across Vietnam. Further innovations led by Agriteam included support to the Ministry of Justice to develop mechanisms for public engagement in the legislative drafting process, as well as partnering with the National Judicial Institute of Canada to facilitate judge-led, peer-to-peer judicial training programs. Lastly, the development of national legislative and judicial standards of consistency resulted in improved efficiency and fairness in court proceedings, and enhanced public consultation on draft legislation and dissemination of new legislation improved public understanding and acceptance of legal reforms.

Tra Vinh Improved Livelihoods Project
Global Affairs Canada, $2.5M, 2005-2009
The Tra Vinh Improved Livelihoods Project (TVILP) focused on improving rural economic development and poverty reduction in Tra Vinh province through increased private sector investment and development of key rural economic sub-sectors including pork, beef, aquaculture, rice, tourism and natural fibre products. Agriteam specialists designed the overall framework for rural development by adopting a value chain approach based on USAID’s standardized value chain development methodology. Key sub-sectors with the highest growth potential were identified and sub-sector analyses were completed by Agriteam specialists, who then worked with local government departments to implement the value chain development plans. TVILP built the capacity of farmers, processors, wholesalers and input suppliers in crop diversification, the intensification of agriculture and the development of rural enterprise, leading to increased income earning opportunities both on and off the farm, and contributing to the Government of Vietnam’s Comprehensive Poverty Reduction Strategy.