north africa & middle east

Digital Earth Africa Investment Design
DFAT Australia

Alinea is contracted by Geoscience Australia to deliver an Investment Design for Digital Earth Africa (DE Africa), this initiative aims to build the world’s largest operational platform for accessing and analyzing decades of satellite imagery specific to Africa’s lands and seas. DE Africa focuses on improving understanding of Africa’s changing landscape, providing insights, knowledge and analysis for more informed, strategic and inclusive decision making across the continent. This will enable African governments, NGOs, businesses and individuals to make more informed decisions about soil and coastal erosion, agriculture, deforestation, desertification, water quality and changes in human settlements. Alinea is working closely with Geoscience Australia and DFAT through a series of briefings and consultations to conduct a literature review, develop a workplan and a Theory of Change. These documents will be drawn on to establish an Investment Design which includes production of a robust Results Framework to measure success.


Opportunities for Women in Agribusiness Project (OWAP)
Global Affairs Canada – 4.3M CAD

The Opportunities for Women in Agribusiness Project (OWAP) aims to enhance the economic wellbeing of women in the agribusiness sector in three governorates of Upper Egypt, directly aligning with the Government of Egypt’s objective of developing women’s capacities to enhance their employment options, expand their participation in the workforce, support entrepreneurship and realize equal opportunities for women’s employment in all sectors.

OWAP will focus on 3 intermediate outcomes: increased job opportunities and innovation through women-owned and managed environmentally sustainable agribusinesses; expanded adoption of workplace policies and practices that enhance women’s well-being at established agribusinesses; and improved gender responsiveness of key Government of Egypt policies, regulations, and strategies that aim to promote women’s economic participation through entrepreneurship and small & medium enterprise (SME) development. 


Support to Egyptian Primary Schooling, Phase II (STEPS II)
Global Affairs Canada

Alinea supported the Ministry of Education’s efforts to enhance the quality of primary education through the implementation of national standards and the Ministry’s Strategic Plan. STEPS II built institutional capacity within the Central Directorates of Basic Education while providing in-service teacher training, thereby supporting a critical mass of primary school teachers and leaders in each district to promote quality teaching, effective school leadership, an enabling education system, and enhanced community participation. The project also worked with the Ministry to establish community-elected Boards of Trustees to create school development plans as well as Equal Opportunity Units to promote gender equality at all levels of the Ministry. The professional development programs established by STEPS II have been institutionalized by the Ministry and are being scaled up nation-wide. Over 200 school-based professionals became trainers through STEPS II.


Early Childhood Education Enhancement Project
Global Affairs Canada

Alinea provided Canadian technical assistance to the Early Childhood Education Enhancement Project (ECEEP), which was part of a large multi-donor program funded by the Government of Egypt, the Government of Canada, the World Bank and the World Food Programme (WFP) to increase access to and improve quality of early childhood development (ECD) services in Egypt. Alinea’s mandate was to provide technical assistance and capacity development in support of reforms outlined in the National Strategic Plan related to improving ECD services through improved access, quality and systems support. The access component worked with the Ministry of Social Solidarity and the Ministry of Education (MoE) to expand access to ECD services by local community development associations. The quality component provided technical assistance to develop ECD educational standards, improve curriculum and train teachers. The systems component built capacity of the MoE to manage ECD programs through building capacity in planning, communications, monitoring and evaluation.

PMF Review of Cairo Economic Livelihoods Project (CELP)
Aga Khan Foundation (Canada)

The CELP project built capacity of local NGOs to offer skills-based training and generate opportunities for employment in the formal and informal sectors. The target beneficiaries were low-income women and youth in the Darb Al Ahmar neighbourhood of Cairo. Alinea collaborated with project team to revise the CELP performance measurement framework and developed an end-of project assessment plan, performance measurement tools (questionnaires, focus group protocol and key informant interview criteria); advised on revisions to the project database; led a team to implement the end-of project assessment; and analyzed data and produced an end-of project assessment report.


Jordanian Community Development Support Program
CARE Canada

Alinea carried out a summative evaluation for the Jordanian Community Development and Support Program (JCDSP) in four governorates, which aimed to enhance the socio-economic well-being and quality of life for Jordanian refugee and host community members, provision of access to livelihood opportunities and promotion of social cohesion for Jordanian and Syrian young women and men. The project evaluated the effectiveness of vocational and technical training, support by community-based organizations, Ministry of Social Development counselling support and the impact of emergency cash assistance to refugees.

School and Field Directorate Improvement Project (SDIP)
Global Affairs Canada

This 5-year project contributed to the Jordanian educational reform agenda by working with the Ministry of Education to develop and implement a national program for school planning and improvement in over 3,500 schools and 41 field directorates. Through the project, Alinea built the capacity of the Ministry, field directorates, and public schools in gender mainstreaming, policy development, leadership, and community engagement. Further technical assistance was provided to the Ministry to develop a national framework for monitoring and evaluating the quality of education in schools, and to develop plans for future school improvements. Results included the development of legislation on the role of school supervisors, and the pro-active engagement of parents and the local community in continued school improvement initiatives.

Support in Managing Educational Institutions in Morocco (PAGESM)
Global Affairs Canada

The Support in Managing Educational Institutions in Morocco project (PAGESM) assisted the Government of Morocco to support the decentralization/deconcentration process at the local and district level and improve education equality, teaching capacity and school management. Alinea worked with school managers to develop, adopt and implement new institutional projects focused on effective school leadership, resource management and accountability. The project team also built the internal management capacity for directors and principals using leading education management best practice and worked with human resource managers to optimize HRM procedures through the introduction of new tools and processes that improve the selection process for new education directors. PAGESM also worked with the Ministry of National Education to integrate gender equality within its institutional, staff and education management procedures to improve women’s access to senior-level positions within the school system.

Business-to-Business Trade Mission to Canada (PalTrade B2B)
Global Affairs Canada

In partnership with the Government of Canada, Alinea promoted increased private sector trade and greater economic ties between Canadian and Palestinian companies by organizing and implementing a four-day, business-to-business mission to Canada in June 2014. The mission brought together 14 Palestinian information and communications technology (ICT), agri-business and tourism companies to meet with their counterparts in Canada to discuss trade, investment and licensing opportunities. Alinea worked with PalTrade, a national export promotion NGO with over 200 member organizations, to deliver business, planning and logistics services for the mission, including conducting pre-travel assessments and briefings, and identifying appropriate matches from Canadian counterparts. More than 70 meetings occurred between Palestinian and Canadian businesses, including participation in the Canada Arab Chamber of Commerce (CanACC) Business and Cultural Conference. All Palestinian businesses reported increased knowledge and capacity to work with Canadian businesses, and a desire to conduct future business with the Canadian firms. The mission netted a number of highly successful business linkages that continue today.