governance, peace & security
Stability, good governance and the rule of law is the foundation for the development of prosperous, inclusive and sustainable communities.
We use an integrated governance approach and follow a comprehensive capacity development process to support governance and public sector reform based on: inclusion and participation of people and service delivery; equity, equality and non-discrimination for all; transparency of processes and accountability towards people; efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector to fulfill its responsibilities; and capacity and responsiveness to the needs of the population.
Alinea has been providing support to peace and security operations in fragile and conflict-affected states for more than two decades. We have been involved in stabilization efforts in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia in countries seeking sustained levels of peace and security. We have assisted in the transition to democracy by working with groups on reconciliation and helping communities develop through effective collaboration and stronger participation in law-making, development planning, as well as the advancement and inclusion of women.
Alinea works to promote the rule of law and improve access to justice. We provide advice and support to government partners, such as justice ministries and the judiciary; lead multi-stakeholder public policy dialogues; and create opportunities for information sharing about best practices and similar reform experiences around the world. We engage technical experts to assist in developing policies, related legal and regulatory frameworks and training to support reforms in accordance with international legal and human rights standards.
We are strong advocates in combating violence and promoting equal access to justice, information and other fundamental freedoms for women, children and other vulnerable groups.
UKRAINE: Support to Ukraine’s Reform for Governance Project (Global Affairs Canada)
Alinea’s Support to Ukraine’s Reform for Governance (SURGe) Project is supporting the Government of Ukraine (GoU) to deliver governance and economic reforms that better respond to the needs of its citizens, particularly women and girls. The project builds on previous investments made by Canada, including the Expert Deployment for Governance and Economic Growth (EDGE) Project implemented by Alinea to strengthen the GoU’s reform management functions. SURGe focuses on qualitative aspects of reform management by introducing and supporting the integration of citizen’s needs and requirements into planning and implementation processes to ensure that the different needs, interests and constraints of women/girls and men/boys are considered. Under SURGe, Alinea works with the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers to strengthen its role as the country’s national reform agenda owner, building its capacity to guide, coordinate and direct government institutions as they work together on their respective reforms. Alinea is also building the capacity of key ministries, departments and agencies to plan and implement reforms through results based management (RBM) and gender-based analysis (GBA+) as process models to analyze, design and implement individual reform initiatives.
MONGOLIA: Strengthening Extractive Sector Management in Mongolia (Global Affairs Canada)
Through the Strengthening Extractive Sector Management in Mongolia (SESMIM) Project, Alinea will build the capacity of the Mongolian government for transparent and effective policy implementation supporting sustainable growth in the country’s extractive sector. Alinea will work hand-in-hand with the government of Mongolia and other key stakeholders to improve policy and regulatory frameworks, including increased capacity for policy development, improved implementation and coordination of policies and regulations between ministries and key industry stakeholders, and stronger, evidence-based decision making in extractive sector management that is gender sensitive and socially and environmentally sustainable. Additionally, public awareness and education programs involving hundreds of industry and civil society organizations will enhance understanding and social licence for the sector, while evidence-based pilot programs in monitoring and reporting will be carried out in rural mining communities, engaging populations of about 8,000 people in total, including women and youth. To achieve this capacity building program, Alinea will work directly with the Mongolian Ministry of Mining, Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism the and the Ministry of Finance, with additional input from the Government of Alberta, the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary and other service providers.
SOUTH SUDAN: Community Stabilization and Peace through Capacity Building (Global Affairs Canada)
In the South Sudanese counties of Pibor and Uror in Jonglei State, persistent communal and ethnic violence threaten peace and security. In response to this crisis, Alinea implemented the GAC-funded, Community Stabilization and Peace through Capacity Building project in order to enhance security and peaceful relations among community members and leaders by providing training for citizens on skills to heal trauma and reconcile conflict. Working with The Resource Centre for Civil Leadership (RECONCILE), the project organized capacity development activities in basic trauma healing, conflict reconciliation, community stabilization and the development of educational materials on conflict prevention. The diverse range of participants included community members, government administrators, police, chiefs, and headmen/headwomen. The project’s innovative use of broad-reaching educational materials and exchange visits led to improved dialogue, healing and mutual understanding.
SOUTHEAST ASIA REGION: Civil Society Scoping Study (The Asia Foundation & DFAT Australia)
Alinea was a principal researcher for the Civil Society Scoping Study led by The Asia Foundation. The aim of the seven country Civil Society Scoping Study was to refresh and update our understanding of civil society’s role in governance in Southeast Asia from both national and regional perspectives. The study aimed to identify key trends in the ways in which civil society is changing in each context, including through the use of social media and ways in which digital technology impacts on collective action. Finally, the study aimed to discern the areas in which civil society participate in regional (or global) networks and to what end. The first iteration of the resulting research papers will be internal to DFAT. With DFAT’s agreement, a second iteration of the research papers – and full research project – will be made public by TAF and the findings will be presented at Australian and international democracy and development conferences.