Projet D’appui aux réformes Institutionnelles et Techniques Pour L’équité
Global Affairs Canada
Projet D’appui aux Réformes Institutionnelles et Techniques Pour L’équité – PARITÉ – improves the accessibility and quality of education… MORE
Strengthening Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Capacity in Agricultural Growth Program Implementing Agencies
World Bank
Alinea strengthened the institutionalization of Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture (NSA) in Ethiopia through Extension, Livestock and Research agencies… MORE
Technical Assistance to Support GCCA+/Mainstreaming Climate-Smart Approaches into the Productive Safety Net Programme
European Commission
The Technical Assistance to Support GCCA+/Mainstreaming Climate-Smart Approaches into the Productive Safety Net Programme – Climate-Smart… MORE
Strengthening Education for Mining (STEM)
Global Affairs Canada
The objective of STEM is to increase the skills and qualifications of Ethiopian women and men for work in the mining sector in Ethiopia by strengthening… MORE
Technical Assistance to Strengthen Capacity Development for the Productive Safety Net Program Phase 4 (PSNP4)
World Bank
In June 2015, the Government of Ethiopia launched the fourth phase of a food security programme, which included a Productive Safety Net Programme… MORE
Support to Agricultural Growth in Ethiopia (AGP)
Global Affairs Canada
This agriculture project is supporting the second phase of the Government of Ethiopia’s Agriculture Growth Programme (AGP-2) by strengthening… MORE
Small-Scale and Micro Irrigation Support (SMIS) Project
Global Affairs Canada and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
This five-year initiative supports efforts to improve food security in Ethiopia through the development of sustainable, gender responsive… MORE
Safety Net Support Facility (SNSF) and SNSF “Bridge” Funding
World Bank
Ethiopia’s wide-ranging Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is a government-led program addressing the nation’s chronic food insecurity… MORE
Rural PSNP Enhanced Livelihoods Support Study
World Bank
The Rural PSNP Enhanced Livelihoods Support Study is assessing and proposing revisions to the packages of the Productive Safety Net Program 5… MORE
Urban PSNP Enhanced Livelihoods Support Study
World Bank
The Urban Productive Safety Net Program (UPSNP), comprising public work transfers and livelihood development, is improving the income of targeted… MORE
Empowering Women in Industrial Trades in Northern Ghana
Global Affairs Canada
The Empowering Women in Industrial Trades in Northern Ghana Project – WEE-NORTH – enhances economic empowerment, well-being and inclusive… MORE
Community Driven Initiatives for Food Security (CIFS)
Global Affairs Canada
Implemented by Alinea, CIFS increased household food security in Ghana’s Northern Region through strengthening the capacity… MORE
Ghana Program Gender Review,
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea conducted a comprehensive review of Global Affairs Canada’s Ghana Program to evaluate the success of gender mainstreaming … MORE
Madrasa Early Childhood Development Programme, Transition to Scale
Aga Khan Foundation, East Africa
Alinea is conducting a longitudinal quasi-experimental study in the coastal regions of Kenya for the Madrasa Early Childhood Development Programme (MECP-K)… MORE
MAZIKO: Nutrition Foundations for Women and Children
Global Affairs Canada
The MAZIKO project, implemented by CARE Canada, was designed to reduce stunting and improve the nutritional status of women and children… MORE
Canada-Malawi Government Assistance Project (GAP)
Global Affairs Canada
The Canada-Malawi Government Assistance Project (GAP) strengthened the capacity of the Government of Malawi by providing technical expertise… MORE
Défi Éducation des Filles au Mali (DÉFI)
Global Affairs Canada
Défi Éducation des filles au Mali (DÉFI) – is a five-year education project working in conflict affected regions of Mali (Segou, Mopti, Timbuktu and… MORE
Institutional Development Program – Capacity Building Component (PAPDI)
Global Affairs Canada
PAPDI supports the reform of the Malian Public Administration sector by strengthening the capacity of the Office of the Commissioner… MORE
Capacity Building for Stakeholders in the Textbook and Book Publishing Trades in Mali (PAGES)
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea is leading the Capacity Building for Stakeholders in the Textbook and Book Publishing Trades in Mali Project, which aims to… MORE
Monitor and Technical Advisor Support to Agricultural Sector Chains in Mali (PAFA)
Global Affairs Canada
The PAFA project aimed to improve the performance of selected agricultural supply chains in Mali by intervening in critical phases… MORE
Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Women and Girls in Cabo Delgado
Aga Khan Foundation, Mozambique
Alinea led a mixed-methods baseline study on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) project in Northern Mozambique… MORE
External Monitor and Technical Advisor for the Nigeria Evidence-Based Health Systems Initiative (TA-NEHSI)
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea provided monitoring and expert technical advisory services to Global Affairs Canada on project design and implementation for… MORE
Colleges/Schools of Health Technology and Primary Health Care Development (SHT-PHC)
Global Affairs Canada
This technical education project supported the Government of Nigeria’s reform agenda in health education through strengthening the capacity of… MORE
Senior Health Sector Monitor, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Projects
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea is providing external monitoring services for Global Affairs Canada’s health sector program in Nigeria, particularly in the areas of sexual… MORE
Project Monitor for Agriculture and Food Security Projects in the Pan-African Regional Program
Global Affairs Canada
The goal of Global Affairs Canada’s Pan-African regional program is to help the African Union achieve its vision of regional integration… MORE
Canadian Facilitation for the Congo Basin Forests Partnership
Global Affairs Canada
The Congo Basin Forests Partnership (CBFP) – which includes Canada – is an association of 53 governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental… MORE
M&E of Canada-supported Agricultural and Agri-food Projects
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea was contracted to provide monitoring and evaluation services in relation to the Support to Rice Production Project for… MORE
Canada-South Africa Teacher Development Project
Global Affairs Canada
The Canada-South Africa Teacher Development Project (CSATDP) strengthened the capacity of the national Teacher Development Directorate… MORE
Building Resilient Agricultural Production (BRAP)
Global Affairs Canada
Women are the key agricultural producers and providers for household food security in South Sudan. BRAP focuses on the role of women to… MORE
Community Stabilization and Peace through Capacity Building in Jonglei State
Global Affairs Canada
In the South Sudanese counties of Pibor and Uror in Jonglei State, peace and security are threatened by persistent communal… MORE
Development of M&E Instruments and Baseline Survey for PAGES Program
PLAN International
Alinea developed the M&E framework, designed ten M&E tools to collect results data, and then led a large-scale baseline survey to… MORE
Expert Deployment Mechanism for Climate Action in Africa
Global Affairs Canada
Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for less than 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions but faces significant threats from climate change… MORE
Technical Assistance to the Teacher Education Support Project (TESP)
Global Affairs Canada
The Technical Assistance to the Teacher Education Support Project in Tanzania focuses on basic education for girls and boys by improving… MORE
Regional Maternal Newborn Child Health (RMNCH) Strengthening in Tanzania
Global Affairs Canada
The Regional Maternal Newborn Child Health (RMNCH) Strengthening in Tanzania project aims to improve maternal, newborn and child health… MORE
Senior Health Advisor and Monitor in Tanzania
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea provided technical expertise and strategic advice to the Government of Tanzania’s Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in support of… MORE
M&E Consultancy to Support Tanzanian Civil Society Organizations
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea designed and led a practical two-day RBM/M&E workshop for management staff of five Tanzanian civil society organizations… MORE
District-Based Support to Primary Education
Global Affairs Canada
This initiative assisted the Tanzanian Ministry of Education and Culture to integrate gender equality, HIV/AIDS considerations and… MORE
Monitoring of the Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Under-served Areas of Tanzania Initiative
Global Affairs Canada
Through the Monitoring of the Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Under-served Areas of Tanzania Initiative, Alinea provided… MORE
The Systems Approach to Improve and Sustain Food Security in West Africa (SATISFY)
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea partnered with World Vision on the implementation of this value chain development project in Ghana, Mali, Sierra Leone and Senegal… MORE