north america

Business Plan for Multi-Use Greenhouse Facility
Iqaluit Community Greenhouse Society

Alinea developed a conceptual design for a business plan for a greenhouse and multi-use community facility in Iqaluit. The business plan included a review of available technologies for utilization in extreme northern climates, as well as an energy analysis to identify lower-cost heating options using waste heat sources (diesel plant emissions, waste wood, etc.). The business plan also included a full economic analysis and modeling based on a five-year timeframe for this multi-million dollar facility.


Greenhouse Feasibility Study
Alberta-Pacific Forestry

Alinea conducted a pre-feasibility study – targeted at regional markets in northern Alberta – on the technical and financial viability of greenhouse production linked to the utilization of waste heat and CO2 from a pulp mill. Specialists worked closely with the pulp mill’s corporate planning group and engineers to integrate actual plant information regarding the method of capture and total available waste heat and CO2 into the study. Alinea conducted market research combining supply and demand analysis and growth projections to determine the potential market size, target markets and market share required retailing the projected levels of production, as well as assessing human resource requirements.


Greenhouse Feasibility Study
Northern Fresh Greenhouses

Alinea recruited and managed a team of economic and greenhouse specialists to conduct a feasibility study on a proposed 10-acre commercial greenhouse in northern Alberta. The assessment included: a) a production product mix, cycle time plan and volume forecast to optimize the facility; b) a production forecast by month for three years for inclusion in the business plan; c) identification of production risks and critical success factors; d) a start-up plan and production phase-in schedule along with a projection of product availability for sale; e) recommended equipment, materials and supplies; f) risk management and quality assurance processes; and g) recommendations for distribution and packaging options based on preferences identified in the market assessment.


CBBC Export and Domestic Market Development Plan
Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency (ALMA)

Alinea worked with the Canada Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) to develop a market development plan that considers domestic and export markets, takes into consideration the needs and requirements of CBBC members, responds to current market opportunities, and establishes the connections both within Canada and abroad to leverage a better bottom line for Canadian purebred producers. The consultancy was implemented in three phases: Phase 1 involved developing cooperation frameworks for the CBBC with Canada Beef Inc., the Canadian Livestock Genetics Association, and CANFAX, as well as thematic summaries of interviews with the CBBC membership (breed associations and exporters); Phase 2 involved developing a report outlining international competitors’ marketing strategies, cooperation protocols between breed associations and exporters and a stock presentation for Canadian purebred cattle genetics; and Phase 3 involved developing a draft market development plan (domestic and export) as well as a final project report.


Traceability Costs for Three Phases of Cattle Movement in the Cattle Implementation Plan
Agriculture & Agri-food Canada (AAFC)

The objective of this study was to promote improved compliance with Canada’s national traceability program by estimating traceability costs for three phase of cattle movement (feedlot, auction marts and other co-mingling sites such as assembly yards and community pastures). The approach and methodology took advantage of past research and existing traceability infrastructure (CIP Costing Steering Committee and Working Group) to collect information and data on traceability systems and traceability costs. The study provided a costing benchmark for the national Cattle Implementation Plan.


Canadian Beef Breeds’ Council (CBBC) Board Governance Reform & Strategic Plan
Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency (ALMA)

Alinea conducted a detailed governance review for CBBC consisting of extensive consultations with members and industry stakeholders, an analysis of different constitution and election options, recommendations on the best options for CBBC, and revisiting the bylaws in accordance with structural changes made. The consultancy concluded with board elections and the recruitment of a new Executive Director and follow-up coaching and mentoring support on developing a strategic plan.


Understanding Sustainable Northern Greenhouse Technologies
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Alinea conducted a study to provide a comprehensive picture of the commercial, technical and social feasibility of developing greenhouses in northern communities with limited populations and extremely high food costs.  Based on a review of technologies, demand, human resources and economics, Alinea identified the most appropriate technologies and practices for northern greenhouse production. The report included extensive market analysis, and modelling of various greenhouse technologies and scales of development that would fit within different sized markets and northern communities, including a cost/benefit analysis and identification of greenhouse funding proposals most likely to be successful. This foundational study was used in the development of a $20 million northern greenhouse development program by AAFC.


External Review of Alberta Beef Producers (ABP), Alberta Cattle Feeders Association (ACFA), and Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (AARD)
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development (AARD)

Alinea was contracted by ABP, ACFA and AARD to undertake an independent, external review of the national organizations who receive Alberta’s component of the national beef levy – Canada Beef Inc. (CBI) and the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC). The study focused on implementing three main review activities: 1) an organizational review of CBI, 2) a review of governance reform for CBI; and 3) measuring the value and return on investment to Alberta producers for CBI and the BCRC. The review was based on consultation of existing documentation and a survey of key individuals involved in CBI’s governance structure and reform process.


Measures Used to Assess the Results of the Market Development Funds Expended by the Beef Industry
Agriculture and Agri-food Canada (AAFC)/Beef Value Chain Roundtable (BVCRT)

Alinea conducted an evaluation of AAFC’s existing system to measure the impact of market development activities undertaken by the Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) and Canada Beef Inc. (CBI). The study was designed to evaluate the strength of the existing results measurement system used by BCRC and CBI and then develop an improved measurement system. Based on the results of the evaluation, Alinea then undertook a participatory process with key stakeholders to develop a RBM-based system, including Logic Models and Performance Management Plans, with substantially revised indicators and reporting systems to better reflect the goals and results of the organizations. The results of the study and revised system were presented to senior stakeholders from government, industry organizations and the private sector at AAFC’s nationwide Beef Value Chain Round Table. The revised system is now being implemented by both organizations.


Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation System for Community CSR Initiatives

Bombardier Inc. contracted Alinea to develop a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system to evaluate and report on the individual and cumulative impact of Bombardier’s community initiatives in Canada and globally. Based on an in-depth review of Bombardier’s community initiatives and CSR policies, an analysis of the existing M&E system, and global best practices, Alinea produced a gap analysis identifying vital M&E system requirements to be addressed. Alinea then designed performance measurement tools and an overall framework including a user manual for how to collect, analyse and report on data. The M&E system included a series of indicators designed to measure key elements within each branch of Bombardier’s 3E strategy (Education, Environment and Entrepreneurship) which can then be rolled up to a programmatic level. The system was designed to fit within Bombardier’s existing management structure, which is split between its Headquarters and Aerospace divisions in Canada and its Transport division in Germany. The system was also designed to fit within the company’s existing MIS software and human resource management systems and evolve with the growth of Bombardier’s CSR programming.


Design of Gender Research Tool and Gender Training Materials for the Strengthening Nurses, Nursing Networks and Associations Program (SNNNAP)
Canadian Nurses Association

Analyzing data collected from participating nursing associations, Alinea designed gender training materials and an online, web-based gender research tool for use in Strengthening Nurses, Nursing Networks and Associations Program, a Global Affairs-funded initiative working with national nursing associations (NNAs) in Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Senegal, Vietnam and a network representing 15 NNAs in the southern African region. The team worked collaboratively to prepare gender training materials that were grounded in their experience with gender dynamics and gender stereotypes and constraints faced by both female and male practicing nurses in various countries. The materials covered a range of key concepts including the difference between sex and gender, practical and strategic gender needs, gender division of labour, access and control over resources, gender mainstreaming, and gender-sensitive indicators. Potential issues in the workplace such as gender inequality or discrimination as well as challenges balancing work and home-based demands were researched and incorporated into the training program. The online survey tool was field tested for clarity and ease of use and was made available in English, French and Spanish.


AgFITT Curriculum Development Project
Forum for International Trade Training (FITT)

Alinea designed and developed a course to introduce small to medium-sized agri-food producers to the export marketing process. The course was designed to be delivered in eight modules over an eight-month period, and combined home study with one-day workshops. Materials for each module included a textbook, participant’s workshop guide, instructor’s guide and workplace assignments, as well as a comprehensive bibliography, list of government and industry contacts, guide to government assistance programs and other resource material. Alinea managed the project and coordinated a team of 10 curriculum development specialists with expertise in agricultural economics, agri-food export markets, international finance, business planning, international trade regulations and adult education.


Musk Ox Meat Marketing and Slaughterhouse Development
Government of the Northwest Territories and the Inuit Regional Corporation (IRC)

In response to a growing musk ox population that threated to exterminate the local caribou population, Alinea was contracted to conduct a feasibility study, a business plan, and a sustainability strategy to determine potential markets for musk ox products and implement plans to sustainably capitalize on business opportunities arising from culling the over-populated musk ox. Based on extensive market research, meat, wool and leather were identified as potential markets for musk ok products. Alinea arranged the pre-sale of meat from all 40,000 excess musk ox – netting over $800,000 in sales – and designed a portable abattoir and training program for local labourers. Following the development of a business plan with a value-added processing program and an international marketing and distribution strategy, Alinea worked with the IRC to develop a method of shearing the wool to ensure the highest yield of long fibres, with minimum damage to the hides. Alinea established a link with wool processors in Peru to process the wool into quiviut; a very fine, high quality fibre. This fibre was further processed and converted to handknits for scarves, gloves and hats. The hides were also marketed for further processing into leather, based on recommendations and studies by Alinea.



Monitoring Services for Grand Challenges Canada’s (GCC) Health Innovation Programming
Global Affairs Canada – $623,000 CAD

Alinea provides a two-person monitoring team with expertise in health innovation to assess both individual innovations funded by Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) at the seed and Transition to Scale stage, and the overall GCC innovation platform including its structure, efficiency, and results. Alinea’s monitoring is based on our team’s leading-edge understanding of the innovation process and key issues around scaling improvements for medical devices and services businesses in the private sector, as well as public health innovations.

The monitoring covers GCC innovations in 106 low- and middle-income countries globally. Activities include analytical reviews of GCC programming based on field missions and desk studies or innovations related to maternal and newborn health, early childhood development, sanitation, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and global mental health. Findings from the ongoing monitoring have been integrated into GCC’s innovation funding model within this emerging area.


Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) services for the global Counter Terrorism Programme Fund (CTPF)
UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office – $1.1M CAD

The Counter Terrorism Programme Fund (CTPF) supports the delivery of the overseas element of the UK Government’s Counter-Terrorism strategy, CONTEST, which aims to reduce the risk to the UK and its citizens and interests overseas from terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence.

The provision of MEL activities is intended to strengthen mechanisms and capabilities to manage CTPF results to enhance evidence-based programming decisions, bolster the ability to learn from experience and evidence, and facilitate strong communication of CTPF impact globally.

Alinea will be working in partnership with UK-based firms Agulhas Applied Knowledge and AKTEK Ltd to implement this 18-month project focused on strengthening the results management systems, tools, and processes, improving the capacity of CTPF project staff, and facilitate lessons learning and knowledge sharing to support CTPF programming.