Policy Options Project (POP)
Global Affairs Canada
The Policy Operations Project (POP) was an eight-year governance initiative designed to support the Government of China’s policy reform agenda and contribute to improved public sector services in China. Phase 1 of POP (2005-2010) focused on human rights, democratic development, good governance and the environment. Phase 2 (2010-2014) focused on ethnic minority rights, labour rights and rule of law. The purpose of POP was to build the capacity of Chinese policy makers to formulate and implement policies that contribute to sustainable development, and also to improve the monitoring and evaluation of measureable, tangible outcomes. This was achieved through exchanges of ideas, experiences and expertise with Canadian policy makers and Canadian Expert Resources sourced from Alinea’s extensive network of Canadian expertise. This network includes Canadian partner organizations contracted to implement sub-projects in China POP.
Over the life of the project, 45 sub-projects were selected to receive funding. As a result of China POP interventions, over 64 policy studies were completed, 10 new policy implementation strategies were introduced, and 38 new policies were adopted. In addition to mainstreaming gender equality into all of its sub-projects, China POP also supported two policy initiatives directly supporting women: the Policy Framework for the Establishment of the National Women Education and Training System was developed and implemented, and the Chinese Maternity Insurance Law (Jan 1, 2012) expanded the scope of coverage of maternity insurance and benefits by broadening the category of employers that are required to provide coverage.
Hui-Muslims in Xi’an: Promoting Pluralism and Tolerance
Global Affairs Canada
The Hui Muslims in Urban China: Promoting Leadership and Pluralism project supported the development of leadership within the Hui Muslim community, initially in Xi’an and – following a change in partner and venue – then in Shanghai through capacity building, community mobilization and dialogue between Hui, Han and other migrant communities (primarily ethnic minorities) in Shanghai. The project contributed to policy development on issues of pluralism and has strengthened the Government of China’s capacity to engage with the community in an inclusive dialogue on religious pluralism. This interface between the Hui community in Shanghai and both local and national officials was achieved through research, capacity building and dialogue, supported by a team of international academic advisors with funding from the Office of Religious Freedom. The project was implemented through a partnership between Alinea Canada, the Chinese Executive Leadership Academy Pudong, with support from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario and Fudan University in Shanghai.
Canada-China Livestock Health Extension Services Project
Global Affairs Canada
This project contributed to improved public health, farm productivity and increased incomes for poor farmers by supporting China’s reform of its veterinary services, and promoting the development of livestock health through providing participatory, farmer-focused extension services to small-holder farmers and livestock operations. Led by Alinea, the project implemented a series of farm pilot projects in livestock health and zoonotic disease control, linking them to national policy research and dialogue. Training in both Canada and China focused on decision makers at the national and regional levels, and contributed to more effective policy development and improved public-private dialogue, while direct training and extension service support to farmer associations and other private stakeholders focused on ensuring compliance with international World Trade Organization/World Organization of Animal Health standards in livestock handling and processing, ultimately strengthening marketing opportunities for farmers.
Project results included innovations in the handling of waste from the veterinary and human medical systems, and the establishment of provincial initiatives to collect and dispose of syringes. Another highly successful result of the project was the massive reduction of insect populations in pig farms by improving animal care practices among rural farmers.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Gansu & Xinjiang Pastoral Development Projects
World Bank
Together with Gansu Agricultural University and Xinjiang Agricultural University, Alinea was contracted to establish a multi-year Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for a USD $78M agriculture program funded by the World Bank and the Global Environment Fund. The program promoted sustainable resource management and community economic development by strengthening livestock production and government marketing systems that would increase the income of local herders and farmers in 43 counties across Gansu and Xinjian provinces in China. Alinea’s consultants led two expert M&E teams to complete surveys, interview stakeholders, gather data and analyze the results. Each team included specialists in livestock management, grassland ecology and management, biodiversity, community pasture management, social sciences, hydrology, and management information systems. Alinea developed a comprehensive M&E Program Framework designed to allow for a continuous assessment of program impact and outcomes. Alinea also trained Provincial Project Management Offices and County Project Management Offices in charge of data collection and program evaluation. During implementation, Alinea guided the design of data collection tools and surveys, managed data collection activities, and provided continuous M&E technical support to government officials and the two Agricultural Universities.
Strengthening Capacity for Basic Education in Western China
Global Affairs Canada
This project supported the Government of China’s education reform agenda and Western Development Strategy, focusing on strengthening student-centred learning and recognizing education as central to poverty alleviation and economic development. The primary project goal was to strengthen basic education along with its quality and relevance in six poor, largely ethnic minority counties in western China by training teachers and strengthening capacity to develop curriculum and instruction methods.
Because many of the project’s western communities are remote, the project used appropriate distance education methods and information and communications technology (ICT) to reach teachers.
Inner Mongolia Biodiversity Conservation & Community Development Project
Global Affairs Canada
This project promoted environmentally sustainable development in China by increasing the capacity of Chinese government institutions and agencies in protected area management, biodiversity protection, and promotion of sustainable community development – especially among ethnic minorities. It achieved strengthened technical capacity in three Nature Reserves in Inner Mongolia, building capacity in the use of geographic information systems and monitoring of vegetative conditions using tools such as remote sensing for land use. Three Environmental Education Centres were also developed by the project, located in Dalinor, Wuhai and West Erdos.
Public Sector Reform Program
Global Affairs Canada
The purpose of the Public Sector Reform Program (PSRP) was to offer senior members of the Chinese public sector the opportunity to learn about Canadian ideas and views and to access Canadians’ expertise in formulating and implementing policies consistent with private sector development under market conditions.
The project was designed as a responsive mechanism to support sub-project proposals submitted by Chinese proponents to MOFCOM. The project succeeded in designing and implementing a total of 14 sub-projects working with 10 Canadian implementing agencies that supported policy dialogue and reform in a variety of sub-sectors: Banking; environmental protection; housing mortgage; grain quality assurance; local/central government relations; financial professionals; livestock waste; fisheries; agricultural vocational education reform; mining; ecotourism; fiscal expenditure; textiles; and notary professionals,
Each of the sub-projects was designed jointly by the Chinese and Canadian implementing partners with a discrete set of short- and medium-term results statements. Most sub-projects involved training seminars and study tours to strengthen the capacity of the Chinese proponents to develop or revise and implement policies in their specific sub-sector.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Development Project
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea was contracted by Heilongjiang Province to provide training services in support of the World Bank-funded US$240 million Heilongjiang Agricultural Development Project. We identified training needs, developed training objectives, formulated detailed programs, and recruited Canadian specialists, training institutions and commercial businesses to provide necessary expertise to implement the programs. We managed a government-private sector partnership and developed working linkages with one agricultural college and four agribusinesses interested in developing commercial activities in northern China.
Capacity and Strategic Environmental Assessment, Public Sector Reform Project
Global Affairs Canada
As part of the larger Public Sector Reform Project, Alinea monitored the sustainability of 13 sub-projects implemented by Canadian implementing partners and their Chinese counterparts by employing environmental assessment methodologies to the M&E process. The team developed sustainability guidelines focused on environmental impacts in collaboration with the implementing partners and conducted reviews and assessments of project activities at regular intervals to ensure the environment was meaningfully integrated into project activities and project management operations.
Canada/China Oil and Gas Technology Transfer Program
Transcontinental/Global Affairs Canada
The Canada/China Oil and Gas Technology Transfer Program was a six-year, $29 million project to increase the capacity of five Chinese oil and gas research institutes and training centres in managing their oil and gas resources. Alinea was responsible for ensuring the gender equity training component was designed to help strengthen capacity for mainstreaming gender equality. It provided training in gender equity awareness and gender analytical skills to Chinese representatives from oil and gas research centers across China. In collaboration with the University of Calgary, Alinea developed and delivered a comprehensive four-week “Women in Development Awareness” program for Chinese representatives of oil and gas research centres.
Basic Human Needs Project
Global Affairs Canada
The project focused on rural small and medium enterprise development and on building local government capacity to support local economic activity. Alinea mentored Provincial Agriculture Development Office (ADO) and ADO staff in global best practices for private sector development including “Making Markets Work for the Poor” approaches, clusters and value chains. Priority sectors included community-based tourism, dairy and rural greenhouse development. Alinea completed a greenhouse vegetable industry development strategy in consultation with local and provincial governments, producers and wholesale and retail traders. The study focused on pro-poor approaches to industry development focusing on the needs of Tibetan women, given their major role in the greenhouse industry. Alinea monitored and provided technical support to dairy and tourism sector specialists in elaborating industry development strategies using MMW4P approaches.
Strengthening Extractive Sector Management in Mongolia (SESMIM)
Global Affairs Canada
Through the SESMIM project, Alinea will build the capacity of the Mongolian government for transparent and effective policy implementation supporting sustainable growth in the country’s extractive sector. Alinea will work hand-in-hand with the government of Mongolia and other key stakeholders to improve policy and regulatory frameworks, including increased capacity for policy development, improved implementation and coordination of policies and regulations between ministries and key industry stakeholders, and stronger, evidence-based decision making in extractive sector management that is gender sensitive and socially and environmentally sustainable. Additionally, public awareness and education programs involving hundreds of industry and civil society organizations will enhance understanding and social licence for the sector, while evidence-based pilot programs in monitoring and reporting will be carried out in rural mining communities, engaging populations of about 8,000 people in total, including women and youth. To achieve this capacity building program, Alinea will work directly with the Mongolian Ministry of Mining, Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism the and the Ministry of Finance, with additional input from the Government of Alberta, the University of Alberta, the University of Calgary and other service providers.
Advancing Education for Democracy with the Community of Democracies
Global Affairs Canada
Supported by the Global Peace and Security Fund, the Advancing Education for Democracy project was designed to provide technical support to the intergovernmental Education for Democracy working group on the operationalization and promotion of education for democracy through the development of a world-class curriculum framework. The project enhanced understanding and skills for education for democracy implementation and increased access to quality education for democracy teaching and learning resources; improved citizens’ influence over decision-making processes in repressive, fragile and emerging contexts; and fostered more accountable and responsive democratic governance and implementation of citizen-centered democracy by states and civil society organizations.
Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project (MSISTAP)
World Bank
Through the Mining Sector Institutional Strengthening Technical Assistance Project (MSISTAP), the World Bank assisted the Government of Mongolia to develop a transparent and effective policy, fiscal, legal, regulatory and institutional mining sector for the country. As a part of MSISTAP, Alinea provided the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy with a detailed analysis of international best practices in mine closure and feasibility studies and supported the drafting of new regulations in mine closure and mine feasibility studies for use in Mongolia. Alinea also conducted two MSISTAP study tours to Canada on extractive sector taxation management for the Mongolian Taxation Department, allowing senior personnel from Mongolia to study national and provincial tax regulations in Canada. Presentations by Canadian leaders, site visits, and planning workshops emphasised learning by practical experience. Peer-to-peer meetings, discussions and training sessions were held with provincial mining and taxation departments, industry associations, the private sector and universities, allowing participants to focus on the most pressing issues facing Mongolia.
Training for Rural Development Project
Global Affairs Canada
The Training for Rural Development Project worked to improve rural livelihoods by improving access to and use of agriculture technologies, practices and information by farmers, herders and agri-businesses. The project built the Mongolian State University of Agriculture’s capacity to conduct research and provide training to all levels of the agriculture sector and contributed to: 1) demand-driven, adaptive research responding to the needs of both men and women; 2) development and adoption of sustainable agriculture technologies for natural resource management; and 3) collaboration in technology generation and transfer and delivery of extension services to both men and women.
Partnering with the University of Saskatchewan on the project, Alinea was responsible for overall management, providing input to Results Based Management (RBM), gender/social dimensions and ensuring participatory methods promoted community involvement, as well as developing and implementing a five-year pilot project in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that demonstrated community development using best practices in public-private partnerships. Centerra Gold provided investment capital for the pilot through its Community Development Fund at the Boroo Gold mine site in Bayangol county. The pilot demonstrated that a) socially responsible mining companies and local communities can work together to alleviate poverty; b) human resource development through training is essential in fighting poverty; and, c) that innovative public-private partnerships can be useful in training delivery to the benefit of rural communities.
Strengthening Centerra Gold’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program
Centerra Gold
Alinea worked with Centerra Gold to strengthen their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies, procedures and reporting based on international best practices. Training on responsible mining and CSR was provided to staff, local leaders, community members and industry. Community engagement and public awareness were central themes, including participatory CSR monitoring and reporting. The capacity of local communities to manage the local mining industry was strengthened, and their socio-economic development was supported through agribusiness training to provide quality vegetable and dairy products to Centerra and other supply chains in Mongolia.
Preliminary Benchmarking and Productivity Enablement Assessment of Dalanzadgad Growers
Oyu Tolgoi
Alinea completed a baseline assessment and strategic development plan for 200 vegetable growers in Dalanzadgad soum. The study determined current agriculture and social conditions of the growers, market potential and various development alternatives. The assessment provided: an analysis of current production practices, potential production and gaps; identification of potential new crops, varieties and production technologies and methods; potential new marketing approaches; training and technical support required; a schedule of activities, investment requirements and input needs; and a preliminary 5- to 10-year agriculture development strategy with budgets and timelines for the implementation of activities.
Study of Extensive Livestock Production Systems
Asian Development Bank
Alinea provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry to formulate policies and strategies and an action plan for sustainable management of extensive livestock production systems in the country. The team assisted the Ministry in developing participatory approaches to planning and management of the natural resources at all stages of project implementation so that the completed action plan would properly reflect the views, knowledge and needs of the many formal and informal groups involved in the sector. The range of activities, from research to policy development, required the full participation of all Mongolian stakeholders, from senior policy makers to local technicians and herders.
Good Governance Fund
UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
The Good Governance Fund Programme Management Unit provides rapid, responsive technical assistance to help unblock reform in Bosnia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia. International and national specialists supervise and deliver this support. By helping to build capacity within these governments, this project supports their ability to reduce corruption, promote transparent and accountable institutions, and build open, inclusive economies and societies. GGF targets and supports the achievement of break-through outcomes that help build resilience within governments and for citizens.