Pacific Labour Facility: Quality, Learning and Performance, and Strategic Advisory Services
DFAT Australia
The Pacific Labour Facility (PLF) is a key part of the Australian Government’s Pacific “Step Up,” supporting Pacific island workers to access Australian labour mobility opportunities. The two main labour mobility schemes for Pacific islanders to access Australia, both sponsored by the Australian Government, include the newly-created Pacific Labour Scheme (PLS) and Seasonal Worker Program (SWP). These employment schemes are designed to allow citizens of Pacific Countries to take up low- and semi-skilled work opportunities with accredited Australian employers in selected locations and industries. The schemes increase circular labour mobility within Pacific countries, which builds skills and people-to-people links, meets critical labour gaps for Australian employers in rural and regional areas, and supports increased economic growth, employment and investment across the region. The PLF supports both schemes, with a focus on the DFAT-administered PLS. Alinea provides leadership of and support services for the Quality, Learning and Performance (QLP) function within the PLF. The QLP Unit services a diverse range of internal clients and external stakeholders, providing the information and evidence to the program’s management team, DFAT, Australian employers, and Pacific partner governments, workers, and communities. This information and evidence will help participants maximize the benefits of Australia’s labour mobility schemes, strengthen wider social and economic impacts and ensure PLF meets its performance and accountability requirements.
Australian Humanitarian Partnership
DFAT Australia
Alinea manages DFAT’s Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Support Unit. Alinea strengthens the partnership between the Australian Government and Australia’s largest NGOs working in humanitarian assistance to ensure that Australia’s assistance is well-coordinated and well-targeted. Alinea works behind-the-scenes to support the work of the AHP and showcase the collaborative efforts of DFAT and NGOs in addressing global humanitarian need and regional disaster preparedness and resilience. Alinea’s monitoring and evaluation services bring a critical and strategic eye to the partnership and are backed-up by a robust focus on learning – for both the Australian Government and NGO partners. Alinea’s communications and media support build the profile of Australia’s aid program in Australia and in the region. Alinea is also responsible for contracting the NGO partners, and ensuring the rapid disbursement of funds to NGOs at times of crisis.
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Programmatic Evaluation
DFAT Australia
The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) is Australia’s specialist international agricultural research for development agency. ACIAR brokers and funds research partnerships between Australian scientists and their counterparts in developing countries. Alinea has been contracted by the ACIAR to deliver a programmatic evaluation. The evaluation will contribute to ACIAR’s broader evaluation agenda and results framework by generating lessons about effective knowledge translation through a range of approaches; substantiating the contribution of ACIAR investment to scientific knowledge, innovation system capacity and medium-term development outcomes and providing a foundation for longer term impact assessment; evidencing changes in pre-defined actor groups for the purposes of aggregation and reporting; and producing a high-level synthesis report that presents key lessons from programmatic management in the contexts in which ACIAR operate and recommendations for future investments.
Australian Volunteers Program Support Services
DFAT Australia
Alinea partners with Australian Volunteers International and Cardno to manage the Australian Volunteers Program Support Services. The Australian Volunteers Program (AVP) deploys skilled Australians from diverse backgrounds to help build the capacity of people, organizations, communities and institutions in developing countries. Alinea’s role focuses on providing monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) support to the Program. In the first year of implementation the MEL team developed a robust MEL Framework supported by data collected tools and processes which are now being actively utilized to track program progress. The team conducted a series of workshops in Melbourne, Fiji and Sri Lanka to analyse MEL data, reflect on progress and support adaptive program management. Along with compiling a global annual report with the major lessons, achievements and management actions for the first year of implementation, the team developed country specific reports based on volunteer and partner organization feedback for the 27 active AVP countries capturing the program’s challenges and successes. Alinea continues to support AVI and Cardno to measure and improve program impact.
Preparation of a Master Plan for Development of a Food Development Center
Government of Brunei Darussalam
Alinea was contracted by the Government of Brunei to lead the development of an Agrifood Innovation Center, including the planning, preparation of recommendations for activities, facilities, equipment and process mapping, human resources development, opportunities for international collaboration, study tours, environmental assessment and project appraisal, and preparation of inventory of materials and documentation.
Cambodia Agriculture Market Information Project (CAMIP)
Global Affairs Canada
As increasing numbers of Cambodian farmers are moving from subsistence farming to farming with a marketable surplus, elements of farm management have become an increasing priority. In response, Alinea developed CAMIP to improve the Cambodian Agricultural Marketing Information System and build the capacity of various government agriculture departments to provide useful market intelligence to farmers and agribusinesses in 11 provinces and Phnom Penh Municipality.
Key project activities included: upgrading and expansion of existing hardware and software infrastructure, including data collection/processing; building the capacity of national government personnel in market analysis and provision of market intelligence; building the capacity of extension providers to produce and disseminate agriculture market information; and increased farmer understanding of agriculture market information through the use of Farmer Marketing Schools. Due to the scarce technical and management capacity within the Cambodian agricultural market information sector, Alinea adopted a strategy of using Canadian expertise to begin the project while recruiting and training Cambodians to replace the Canadians over the course of the four-year project.
Technical Assistance to Support the Implementation of the Women’s Plan of Action
Asian Development Bank
This technical assistance consultancy supported the Government of Fiji in implementing its Women’s Plan of Action, and to meet its international commitments in the area of gender equality. Alinea assisted the Ministry of Women, Social Welfare and Poverty Alleviation and the Task Force on Gender Mainstreaming to begin systematically assessing and analyzing national and sectoral policies and programs for gender responsiveness. Alinea’s team of international and domestic consultants increased capacity among gender focal points and officials in the planning units of each ministry to undertake gender-responsive policy, planning and program development; implemented gender audits of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture, audited select policies and programs in each ministry; developed a gender assessment framework, including tools, materials and gender-sensitive indicators; and generated two technical publications on the gender audits in Agriculture and Health for replication in other ministries.
FIJI, Vanuatu, PNG, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste
Disaster READY
DFAT Australia
Disaster READY is a five-year Australian government investment that builds disaster preparedness capability in five Pacific Island countries (Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Timor-Leste). Alinea supports management of Disaster READY through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Support Unit. Disaster READY reflects the commitment of the Australian Government and its NGO partners to work towards the global “localization” agenda by prioritizing local decision-making and responses to building resilience and preparedness for disasters. With the ongoing support of Alinea, Disaster READY pays particular attention to social inclusion. Women, people with disabilities, youth and children are proactive in the Disaster Ready Country Coordinating Committees and their needs are recognized and met through community, sub-national and national mechanisms for disaster preparedness and response. Alinea’s AHP Support Unit facilitated and managed the design process that included 13 Australian NGOs and local NGOs. This gave particular attention to country driven planning and management, and social inclusion. Throughout implementation, Alinea is responsible for; managing the funds disbursement and coordination of reporting; in-country learning and annual planning; online reporting and information sharing; strategic level monitoring, evaluation and learning, and communications; and strong lines of communication between DFAT and the Australian NGO consortia.
Women’s Support Project, Phase II (WSPII)
Global Affairs Canada
WSP II, was a complex, six-year project to build capacity in gender equity policy and planning in Indonesia. WSP II worked with more than 20 partners in government (at both the national and provincial levels), six academic institutions, and 150 civil society organizations to raise awareness and mobilize both government and non-government stakeholders around the issue of gender violence. The project’s approach to institutional capacity development had two main thrusts: (i) strengthening the capacity of Indonesia’s national Ministry for Women’s Empowerment to work with its strategic partners for gender mainstreaming; and (ii) developing the capacity of the strategic partners from government, academia and civil society to undertake and/or contribute to gender-responsive policy, planning and monitoring.
In addition to working with multiple partners in Indonesia, WSP II also developed regional linkages by facilitating a workshop that brought together national government bodies from the Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Canada, to share insights and lessons learned from each country.
WSP II achieved many notable, high-level results, including a gender analysis policy directive from the President of Indonesia to include gender mainstreaming in the five-year National Development Plan, and the production of Indonesia’s first National Plan of Action for Eliminating Violence Against Women (EVAW), and establishment of a permanent National Action Committee on EVAW reporting to the President.
Sub-national Roads Maintenance in Indonesia
DFAT Australia
PHJD is a provincial road improvement program in Indonesia, which is part of the Australian-funded Infrastructure facility KIAT. It is a scale up of the pilot called the Provincial Road Improvement and Maintenance (PRIM) program and is a performance-based initiative, whereby local governments are reimbursed for the cost of road maintenance if the completed work meets certain quality and governance criteria. Alinea is providing the M&E Specialist role for the PHJD Program Implementation Consultant (PHJD-PIC), which is managed by SMEC. The PHJD-PIC is responsible for working closely with Indonesian government counterparts to implement the program, primarily through building capacity, developing program manuals and processes, and supporting quality design and verification of works. As the M&E Specialist, Alinea is preparing the M&E Framework for the Program, establishing the monitoring systems and tools, and assisting with preparing the six-monthly progress reports.
Technical Assistance for MAMPU Partners
DFAT Australia
The MAMPU Program (2012-2020) is the Australia Government’s main vehicle to empower women and improve gender equality in Indonesia. The MAMPU Program (Bahasa Indonesia for Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction Program) works in partnership with Indonesia’s largest women’s empowerment NGOs, developing their collective capacity and helping them to influence decision-making at multiple levels — from the village to national parliament. The Program directly and indirectly supports 108 partners at national and sub-national levels, working in almost 1,000 villages across 27 provinces. Alinea was contracted to the MAMPU Program to facilitate the NGOs (and their sub-partners) in developing their program designs for Phase 2 of the Program – covering five years from (2016-2020). Alinea supported each NGO to deliver a full design to DFAT, who undertook the final assessment and approval of funds. Alinea developed a detailed consultancy plan for the entire process that included purpose and objectives, and a facilitation plan for each step of the process, the inputs required, and the timeframes. Alinea demonstrated flexibility, agility, and understanding as it worked alongside each partner, through workshops, write-shops, and one-on-one support.
Designing Market Systems for Sustainable Development in Indonesia
DFAT Australia
Alinea was contracted by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to lead the design of its Flagship PRISMA-2 – a Market Systems Development program in Indonesia. PRISMA-2 improves smallholder farmers’ competitiveness and access to new markets, better inputs, know-how and technology. It aims to achieve a sustainable 30% increase in the net incomes of a further 700,000 smallholder farming households in Indonesia by 2023. A total of 1 million smallholder farming households will benefit as a result of Australia’s 10-year investment in the AIP-Rural and PRISMA-2 programs. The majority of program beneficiaries are poor or near poor, but PRISMA-2 also reaches non-poor farmers and other parts of the economy, given the wide-spread benefits of systemic change. Smallholder farming households are commonly composed of both men and women who contribute to different components of their household farm enterprise. PRISMA-2 ensures that gender analysis is embedded into every stage of intervention design and quality processes, and women farmers are specifically targeted in interventions to ensure men and women both benefit from the program.
Skills for Conflict Prevention: Engagement, Partnership Brokering, Negotiation, Facilitation (Skills Ph1)
Global Affairs Canada (START Program)
The project worked to build peace during Myanmar’s transition from authoritarianism to democracy through building the advocacy and negotiation skills of two ethnic minority groups (Pa-Po and Danu) located in semi-autonomous regions of the country. Alinea and partners worked with minority civil society groups to provide them with the skills to advocate for their interests with the government, and also to help their communities develop through effective collaboration and stronger participation in law-making and development planning, and the advancement and inclusion of women. The most significant accomplishment of this project was overcoming a history of conflict between one of the targeted ethnic groups and the Burmese government and bringing them together to conduct peaceful talks for the first time.
Strategic Roadmaps for Emergency Management
DFAT Australia / MFAT New Zealand
Alinea leads the delivery of a key area of The Pacific Islands Emergency Management Alliance (PIEMA) project activity – the design and development of up to 12 Emergency Management Roadmaps and a Regional Emergency Management Roadmap. Emergency Management Roadmaps set out a practical plan of action for enhanced emergency management agency coordination and interoperability. Alinea works in close consultation with the SPC PIEMA Project Team and with Emergency Management Agencies in each of the participating Pacific Island Countries. Since 2013, PIEMA has been a coordinating mechanism that engages directly with Pacific countries to improve resilience and create excellence in emergency management for safer communities.
WaSH and Sports for Development Evaluation
DFAT Australia
In 2015, WaterAid embarked on an innovative WaSH and Sports for Development (WS4D) program in Papua New Guinea, funded by the Australian Government, and followed in 2019 by a final program evaluation to learn about the effectiveness of the program and inform future programming decisions. Alinea was engaged to conduct the evaluation on the WS4D in Papua New Guinea. The program trialled, adapted and refined a range of activities that contributed to three objectives: strengthening the enabling environment for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in sport; contributing to increased opportunities for participation in netball; and improving exposure to education on good hygiene practices. Alinea led all aspects of the evaluation, including designing the evaluation framework, in-country data collection and analysis, and reporting. Alinea adopted a utilisation-focused approach to the evaluation, which prioritised ensuring the evaluation findings were used to inform future programming decisions.
Social Protection Scheme for Children in Papua Program Evaluation
DFAT Australia
MAHKOTA – Towards a Strong and Prosperous Indonesian Society – is an Australian Government-funded program supporting the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to improve its social protection system to reduce poverty and inequality. MAHKOTA is currently providing technical assistance to the provincial government of Papua to design and implement a universal child grant pilot in three districts, known as BANGGA Papua. Alinea led the process evaluation for the BANGGA Papua Program, funded by DFAT through MAHKOTA and implemented by Cardno.
Local Governance Support Program in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (LGSPA)
Global Affairs Canada
This governance and peace building project was implemented in the fragile and conflict-affected Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao in Southern Philippines. The goal of LGSPA was to support the Government of the Philippines’ and the Autonomous Region in creating sustainable communities characterized by economic growth, peace, social equity, environmental sustainability and good governance. LGSPA engaged all 118 municipalities and two cities in the Region, all six provincial governments, the ARMM Regional Government, and the Local Government Unit Leagues, building local government capacity in leadership and management, effective service delivery, resource generation and management, economic growth, and participatory governance/peace building. The project also worked on the demand side of governance, supporting civil society organizations, NGOs, peace networks, academia, media groups and Muslim religious leaders to improve their capacity in advocacy and participation in local governance consultations. Chief among LGSPA results is the establishment of a Muslim Mindanao Halal Certification Board, an important step toward developing the halal industry, generating economic growth and reducing poverty in the region.
Private Enterprise Accelerated Resources Linkages, Phase 2 (PEARL 2)
Global Affairs Canada
PEARL2 contributed to poverty reduction and job creation in the Philippines by working with over 50 Business Support Organizations (BSOs) to assist in the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Designed to support the Government of the Philippines’ National Small and Medium Enterprise Development Plan, PEARL2 delivered support through three channels: delivering business support services in areas such as business strategy, productivity, marketing, exporting, management and sustainability; providing a responsive funding mechanism ($1.3M) to business and industry associations, research and academic institutions and government agencies to support sub-projects in SME growth and development; and working with the Board of Investments and local investment promotion groups to enhance regional investments. As a result, partners enhanced their skills, numerous operations, training, and instruction manuals and advocacy studies on SME development were developed and utilized, and SME competitiveness was increased, leading to strengthened markets, job creation and an improved climate for business investment.
Local Government Support Program (LGSP II)
Global Affairs Canada
The goal of the Local Government Support Program (LGSP II) was to contribute to equitable growth and poverty reduction in the Philippines through more effective and participatory local governance. In collaboration with the national Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the program assisted municipalities, communities, CSOs, NGOs, donors and the private sector to plan and deliver sound economic and social programs in response to citizens’ needs. At the local level, Alinea developed the capacity of 205 Local Government Units (LGUs) in leadership, planning and management, service delivery, revenue generation and community engagement. 22 LGUs developed investment promotion plans and 73 entered into joint ventures with the private sector, an innovative financing approach for the Philippines at the time.
At the national level, LGSPII strengthened the DILG, municipal leagues and NGO associations in systems leadership, intergovernmental cooperation, policy reform, local government performance measurement, development planning, and the assessment and replication of innovative pilot practices. LGSPII was selected by the Government of Canada as a model capacity development project in 2003, and as a case study for local governance capacity development by the European Centre for Development Policy Management in 2004.
Samoa-Australia Policing Partnership Design
DFAT Australia
The Samoa Australia Policing Partnership (SAPP) is a component of the Pacific Police Development Program, implemented by the Australian Federal Police (AFP), and supports a broad range of bilateral and multi-country police capacity development initiatives throughout the Pacific region. Alinea was contracted by the AFP for the design of the SAPP. This includes conducting a literature review and a Gender Equality & Social Inclusion (GESI) analysis. Alinea’s GESI inputs have been developed in order to be incorporated into the Design, to promote gender equality and socially inclusive police practices within the Samoan Police Services (SPS) itself, and more broadly within the community. The program focuses on strengthening core policing functions, organisational leadership, management, and corporate support within the SPS. SAPP is part of AFP’s International Police Assistance Programme, which contributes to national security and socio-economic development by providing policing support for enhanced rule of law in developing, fragile, and conflict affected states.
Safe Families and Channels of Hope Designs
DFAT Australia
Alinea led the re-design of two programs focused on ending violence against women and children in Solomon Islands: the Safe Families Program and Channels of Hope Program, implemented by Oxfam. These programs work to address the social norms that maintain gender-based violence, and the structural constraints to addressing GBV, with a focus on long term sustainable change. Each project tackles social norms at the community level, one utilising a faith-based approach and the other utilising a human-rights based approach. In leading the re-design process, Alinea worked closely with Oxfam, World Vision and DFAT to evaluate the programs’ first phase of implementation, build on the programs’ strengths, and refine the designs to maximise their effectiveness. Alinea delivered two separate design documents and proposed strategic level coordination and shared learning mechanisms.
Solomon Islands Policing, Justice & Governance Design
DFAT Australia
Alinea was contracted as part of a team to conduct the Design of the Solomon Islands Policing, Justice and Governance Programs. The multi-disciplinary team brought specialist expertise in relation to ending violence against women and issues of gender equality and social inclusion. The team was tasked with providing three separate, but linked, Investment Design Documents; one document for each of the justice, policing, and governance programs. Alinea also delivered a strategic monitoring and evaluation framework, including an outline of the main evaluation approaches/techniques to be used for tracking progress and outcome evaluation for the investment. The team conducted theory of change workshops and designed and managed consultation processes and methodology both in-country and Australia-based across a wide range of key informants. In addition to the individual designs, Alinea contributed to the overarching strategy for Australia’s support for stability in Solomon Islands through the police, justice, and governance programs that provides a narrative and diagrammatic explanation of the overarching coordination and governance arrangements for the three programs.
Microcredit Scheme for Savings Clubs
DFAT Australia
Alinea was contracted by the DFAT-funded Soloman Islands Resource Facility (SIRF) to support the MWYCFA. The primary focus of the consultancy was to conduct a situational analysis of women and girls in established savings clubs, including perceptions and attitudes of churches, communities, key government agencies and NGOs; identify opportunities and an enabling environment to guide the Ministry’s plan to create a micro credit scheme for savings club members; and provide advice to the Ministry on next steps in strengthening the savings clubs. SIRF aims to support the work of the Australia High Commission (AHC) to meet the objectives of Australia’s aid program in the Solomon Islands. This initiative supports the economic empowerment of women focusing on financial inclusion to increase women and girls’ financial literacy and access to affordable financial services.
Strengthening Agriculture Sector Growth by Assessing the State of Farmer and Marketing Cooperatives
Global Affairs Canada
The Canadian Trade and Investment Facility (CTIF) is a demand-driven project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, that provides technical assistance to organisations across the Asia-Pacific region to support more inclusive, sustainable, and poverty-reducing trade and investment. The Strengthening Agriculture Sector Growth by Assessing the State of Farmer and Marketing Cooperatives Project supports the Government of Solomon Islands’ Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) and Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour & Immigration (MCILI) in reviewing the current state of farmer and marketing cooperatives in the country, recommending regulatory and policy measures that the Government may take to provide support to farmers through these cooperatives, and carrying out a pilot activity to implement part of the report’s recommendations. Alinea has been contracted to provide technical assistance to the Government of Solomon Islands to review the current state of farmer and marketing cooperatives in the country. The project will provide technical assistance through two main components: an assessment report of farmer and marketing cooperatives and a remote technical assistance activity to support MAL and MCILI in implementing the report’s recommendations. The CTIF is managed by a Canadian consortium led by Cowater International in partnership with the Institute of Public Administration of Canada.
Civil Society Scoping Study
The Asia Foundation / DFAT Australia
Alinea was a principal researcher for the Civil Society Scoping Study led by The Asia Foundation. The aim of the seven country Civil Society Scoping Study was to refresh and update our understanding of civil society’s role in governance in Southeast Asia from both national and regional perspectives. The study aimed to identify key trends in the ways in which civil society is changing in each context, including through the use of social media and ways in which digital technology impacts on collective action. Finally, the study aimed to discern the areas in which civil society participate in regional (or global) networks and to what end. The first iteration of the resulting research papers will be internal to DFAT. With DFAT’s agreement, a second iteration of the research papers – and full research project – will be made public by TAF and the findings will be presented at Australian and international democracy and development conferences.
Technical Assistance to Support Carbon Farming
European Union
Alinea has been contracted to provide technical assistance to support carbon farming in Timor-Leste. The project aims to improve the climate resilience of subsistence farmers in Timor-Leste. This will be achieved through enhancing the capacities of the Timor-Leste Secretariat of State for Environment (SSE) and other stakeholders to access the international carbon market as a means to increase the climate resilience of its population, especially subsistence farmers and to improve their income. There are two key purposes of the project. First, to support the establishment of a robust land-sector Green House Gas (GHG) reporting and accounting system to measure land-based carbon emissions through operational tools and established legal and governance systems, facilitating and enabling the rewarding of carbon sequestration activities, especially in the forestry sector. Second, to establish a pro-active and effective coordination among the multitude of partners and entities that are participating in the carbon market.
Families Free of Violence Program Tonga
DFAT Australia
Alinea was contracted by the Australian Federal Police to undertake the program design, and support ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and learning, for the Families Free of Violence (FFOV) Program in Tonga. The program aims to improve the Tonga police response to family violence and strengthen government implementation of the Family Protection Act 2014. The final two years of the program focused on capacity building work with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, particularly its Women’s Affairs Division, and the Tongan Police. Alinea provided ongoing support for MEL activities over the program’s three-year duration, including in-country data collection, analysis, and reporting. Alinea supported Tongan partners to implement user-friendly tools to better understand the impact of their work, learn, and continuously improve their approaches.
Safe Food for Growth (SAFEGRO)
Global Affairs Canada – $15.3M CAD
In partnership with the University of Guelph, the Safe Food for Growth (SAFEGRO) Project will improve food safety in Vietnam. SAFEGRO will work with the national and regional governments to align food safety regulations with international standards, work with private sector suppliers to increase the competitiveness of Vietnamese food products domestically and internationally and engage consumers to demand safe food in Vietnam. The project is in the early stages of implementation.
The project office has been established and staffed in Hanoi and preliminary activities have begun to review the gaps in the regulatory framework, to carry our gender-based value chain assessments in selected fruit and vegetable value chains and a communication strategy to promote improvements in food safety culture.
On 23 October 2021, the Head of Cooperation of the Embassy of Canada to Vietnam, on behalf of the Government of Canada, has witnessed the signing of the Cooperation Program on Improved Safety and Quality of Agro-forestry and Aquatic Products 2021-2025 between Hanoi and 40 other cities/provinces co-hosted by Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Thanh Nam and Vice-chairman of Hanoi People’s Committee Nguyen Manh Quyen. The long-standing cooperation between Canada and Vietnam on food safety through Canada’s development assistance program has been highlighted. The CAD 15.3 million Safe Food for Growth (SAFEGRO) Project has timely provided technical assistance to the priority of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. SAFEGRO project aims to help improve food safety in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces. Agri-food trade is also an important component of Vietnam and Canada’s bilateral relationship given both countries are members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
More on SAFEGRO:
Alinea Launches New Food Safety Project in Vietnam
Vietnam Skills for Employment Project (VSEP)
Global Affairs Canada
VSEP will contribute to sustainable economic growth in Vietnam by improving the enabling environment for investment, supporting rural small and medium-size enterprise development and enhancing access to skills for employment. Working in partnership with the Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh, Alinea will strengthen Vietnamese capacity for Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) leadership and management, and enable the knowledge-building and sharing of best practices in TVET institutions by developing two Training Centres of Advanced Management in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi. The project is also strengthening management of the TVET system at the provincial level in Hau Giang, Vinh Long and Binh Thuan; improving the performance of one leading TVET institution in each of the target provinces; and improving the performance of select community colleges throughout the country.
Judicial Development and Grassroots Engagement (JUDGE)
Global Affairs Canada
In the process of transitioning from a centrally-planned economy to a market economy, Vietnam has undergone a parallel process of large-scale judicial reform and institutional improvement in the last 20 years. In support of this transition, Alinea partnered with the Vietnam’s Supreme People’s Court and Ministry of Justice to strengthen and modernize the Vietnamese justice system, promote citizen’s access to the courts, and foster more transparent and accountable governance. The key objectives of JUDGE were three-fold: 1) professional training for judicial personnel in line with international standards and principles, 2) improved efficiency through administrative/procedural reform, and 3) improved dispute resolution and dissemination of legal information to citizens.
To meet these objectives, Alinea employed a variety of innovative solutions including the use of select pilot courts to test administrative reforms. These reforms are now being included in the recent amendments to the Vietnam Civil Procedure Code (2015), which provides the legal framework to have them instituted in all courts across Vietnam. Further innovations led by Alinea included support to the Ministry of Justice to develop mechanisms for public engagement in the legislative drafting process, as well as partnering with the National Judicial Institute of Canada to facilitate judge-led, peer-to-peer judicial training programs. Lastly, the development of national legislative and judicial standards of consistency resulted in improved efficiency and fairness in court proceedings, and enhanced public consultation on draft legislation and dissemination of new legislation improved public understanding and acceptance of legal reforms.
Tra Vinh Improved Livelihoods Project
Global Affairs Canada
The Tra Vinh Improved Livelihoods Project (TVILP) focused on improving rural economic development and poverty reduction in Tra Vinh province through increased private sector investment and development of key rural economic sub-sectors including pork, beef, aquaculture, rice, tourism and natural fibre products. Alinea specialists designed the overall framework for rural development by adopting a value chain approach based on USAID’s standardized value chain development methodology. Key sub-sectors with the highest growth potential were identified and sub-sector analyses were completed by Alinea specialists, who then worked with local government departments to implement the value chain development plans. TVILP built the capacity of farmers, processors, wholesalers and input suppliers in crop diversification, the intensification of agriculture and the development of rural enterprise, leading to increased income earning opportunities both on and off the farm, and contributing to the Government of Vietnam’s Comprehensive Poverty Reduction Strategy.
Aus4Equality / Gender Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT) Program
DFAT Australia
Alinea was an associate to Cowater Sogema on the Aus4Equality Gender Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT) Program. The program empowered ethnic minority women to engage in agriculture and tourism markets and enhance their voices in economic decision-making at household, community, and policy levels. It is expected the program will assist around 40,000 self-employed women to boost their incomes and create about 4,000 jobs for women to drive economic growth. Alinea provided several functions on the program, including facilitating the direction and approaches of the program and providing mentoring and coaching support when needed as the Program Strategic Adviser; providing technical advisory support to the Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) function, such as developing the MERL Framework, the M&E tools for the Program, and design of the MIS; and facilitating workshops for the Program, such as Reflect and Refocus learning workshops, data parties, and design and planning events. Alinea introduced its Adaptive Management model to the Program – ensuring continuous program improvement and safeguarding its relevance.