Community of Practice
Green Climate Fund
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) helps developing countries limit or reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Alinea was selected in consortium with Arup International Development and the Nossal Institute for Global Health to be part of the GCF Community of Practice. Alinea provided the GCF, and through it, partners that worked to design and implement low-carbon and climate resilient development initiatives with technical advisory services in core sectoral climate thematic areas, including infrastructure, urban resilience, and health. Among the key goals of the Community of Practice are ensuring that the best global knowledge and expertise on climate change guides the Fund’s operations; leveraging the capabilities and expertise of partner organisations to maximise GCF internal capacity; positioning GCF as a thought leader by integrating global climate knowledge and advancing its executional capacity; and supporting complementarity and exchanging information with other organisations working in the field of climate finance.
Institutional Capacity Development Project, Romania National Commission for Grain Grading
Global Affairs Canada
Alinea was contracted to strengthen the capacity of the Romanian National Commission for Grain Grading (NCGG) through the development and delivery of agricultural co‑operative curriculum. Topics covered included Management Training; Financial Management; Grain Grading Extension Systems; Management Information Systems; Pedagogy; and Information Technology. Training was developed and delivered to NCGG Executive Management; its Board of Directors; grain graders; national government staff; sub-national government staff; and producer groups with collaboration with the University of Agrogronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine; the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture; Ontario’s Agricorp; the Canadian Wheat Board; the Canadian International Grains Institute; and various private sector groups.
Support for Implementation of Warehouse Receipts System
World Bank
The project resulted in establishing the elements required to enable the Government of Romania to establish an indemnity fund to support the functioning of the warehouse receipt system for the country. The four components of the project were: designing an indemnity fund for warehouse receipts including training programs for administering the indemnity fund; preparing an awareness campaign for borrowers and producers about the warehouse receipt system; preparing practices and procedures for lenders to accept warehouse receipts and for making claims on the indemnity fund; and designing a warehouse receipt monitoring system. The project called upon a team of international advisors from Romania, the EU and North America. In addition to the above deliverables, project experts also prepared an issues paper and presentation for the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and Rural Development.
Grain Storage, Handling and Grading Project
World Bank
The project was designed to assist the Government of Romania to effectively disburse and use World Bank loan funds (a US $100 million loan approved in 1992 and an additional $150 million in follow-up loans) to improve the national grain storage and handling system. To assist in upgrading the country’s grain trade, handling and storage facilities and procedures, Alinea assisted Romcereal with assessment of its current grain storage and handling facilities and plans for updating those facilities; assisted Romcereal with a plan for establishing a distribution and merchandising organization for farm inputs; assessed, with representatives of the Farmers’ Associations, the feasibility of applying for World Bank funds for constructing on-farm storage; and arranged a training program in Canada for 10 individuals selected from Romcereal and the Farmers’ Associations on grain quality. The program introduced North American grain grading and inspection systems. In addition to the course, Alinea organized field trips to prairie grain farms and primary elevators, and to a grain terminal in the Port of Vancouver. Meetings were also arranged with officials of Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, the Canadian Wheat Board, the Canadian Grain Commission and private grain companies.
Organization of a Grain Grading System
Global Affairs Canada
This project improved primary agricultural markets in Romania by supporting the development of a grain grading system for Romania. Alinea worked with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MAFF) to design a functional grading system including grade schedules and procedures, devised an administrative body to oversee the grading system, and drafted legislation to enable a national administrative body, the National Commission for Grain Grading, to oversee the functioning of the grading system.
Strategic Communications Support to CabMin, Kyiv
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK)
Alinea provides direct support to strengthen the strategic communications capability of the Cabinet of Ministers in Kyiv. This project aims to improve citizen understanding of key reform initiatives that enhance political stability and Ukraine’s ability to develop as a confident, inclusive and successful democracy. Alinea provides direct management to the team, technical assistance, monitoring and reporting, as well as financial management and administration.
Support for Ukraine’s Reforms for Governance (SURGe)
Global Affairs Canada – $25M CAD
Support for Ukraine’s Reforms for Governance (SURGe), funded by Global Affairs Canada will run for six years with the objective of improving the quality of life of Ukraine’s citizens, particularly women and girls, through inclusive, citizen-centered and gender-responsive reforms. Adding to the work completed under the Expert Deployment for Governance and Economic Growth (EDGE), managed, and implemented by Alinea and funded by GAC, SURGe will work with the Government of Ukraine in a number of priority areas, including economic growth, public administration reform, human capital (including education and health care), and combatting corruption.
More on SURGe:
Support to Ukraine’s Reforms for Governance Program (SURGe)
International Day of Democracy: SURGe sets sights on improving democratic governance in Ukraine
SURGe: Public investment that addresses the needs of citizens
Canada-Ukraine Police Development Project (CUPDP)
Global Affairs Canada – $6M CAD
In July 2019 Alinea launched a new three-year initiative: Canada-Ukraine Police Development Project (CUPDP). The project runs with funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) through the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOP).
CUPDP supports ongoing reform of the Ukrainian police since 2016 through the provision of advice, training and equipment to advance professional development – raising standards and enabling more robust community-oriented policing services. These efforts build public trust in police, advance the role of women in law enforcement, and introduce enhanced training methods for both recruits and serving officers.
More on CUPDP:
Alinea Launches New Police Reform Project in Ukraine
Responding to domestic violence in Ukraine
International Day of Peace: Innovative training at Ukraine’s Patrol Police Academy
Police Training Assistance Project (PTAP)
Global Affairs Canada
The Police Training Assistance Project (PTAP) provided advisory services and training to help strengthen the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) and support a national police academy system, thereby enabling the professional development of a gender-sensitive, community-oriented national police service based on local resourcing and international standards and best practices. The project included: a) the development of an organizational governance and policy framework for the NPU to advance professional development; b) the establishment of a legal framework for a police academy system, including support for training infrastructure; c) capacity building support for leadership, operational management and specialized policing functions; and d) development of curricula, faculty development and certification processes to support police training.
Support to Reform of Patrol Police in Ukraine (SRPPU)
Global Affairs Canada
The establishment of new Patrol Police Services is one of the most tangible reforms introduced following Ukraine’s Euromaidan Revolution. Representing the Canadian contribution of a multi-donor reform effort, Alinea’s SRPPU project built the capacity of the Ukrainian Patrol Police force to provide more efficient, trustworthy and reliable police services for communities across Ukraine. Alinea provided “professional” or non-tactical training programs, support to the police communications and public relations functions, and the purchase of uniforms and equipment (such as utility belts and body cameras). Since July 2015, SRPPU has provided non-tactical training to approximately 450 recruits in 12 cities across Ukraine, using a diverse range of instructors from the private sector including law professors, barristers, and solicitors. SRPPU also supported other training and development initiatives, including senior and mid-level management courses for urban Commanders and Deputy Commanders, as well as a number of “train-the-trainer” programs in the fields of police tactics and the use of force. SRPPU further helped to strengthen police public outreach programs by providing training to national and regional Press Officers, establishing the internet and social media presence of the Patrol Police, and supporting the development and roll-out of public opinion surveys to determine the impact of new policing approaches on the community. Early surveys indicate reforms are already garnering strong public support.
Expert Deployment for Governance and Economic Growth (EDGE)
Global Affairs Canada
The Expert Deployment for Governance and Economic Growth (EDGE) project helped Ukraine move towards a democratic and prosperous society by advancing citizen-centered democracy and promoting sustainable economic growth. Working side-by-side at the highest levels, EDGE responded to critical needs of the Ukrainian government in planning, implementing and communicating reforms. EDGE supported reforms across a broad range of governance sectors (anti-corruption, deregulation, decentralization, probation) as well as strategic areas within the economic growth sphere (foreign direct investment, exports, agriculture, ports reform, etc.). Alinea was responsible for the day-to-day management and implementation of EDGE. Alinea deployed technical experts directly within the Project’s partner Ministries (e.g., National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine; National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption; Ministry of Economic Development and Trade; Ministry of Finance; and Ministry of Justice), embedding them to work hand-in-hand with leadership and the bureaucracy as they managed their respective priority reforms. The Project worked on reforms in over 20 sectors and was involved in 14 TA reform initiatives including: decentralization, public administration reform, transparency and anti-corruption, justice, economic growth and investment. Within each of these reforms, EDGE promoted accountability, good governance, transparency and integrity.
Juvenile Justice Reform Project (UJJRP)
Global Affairs Canada
In support of the Government of Ukraine’s long-term goal of improving the country’s juvenile justice system, activities under UJJRP were aimed at reducing the level of juvenile crime and developing a more effective system of justice for young people. Alinea worked with the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice to develop the necessary legislative and policy frameworks for a more effective and responsive youth justice system in line with international standards, as well as supporting youth rehabilitation and reintegration into their communities. It strengthened the capacity of Ukraine’s public institutions – including the judiciary and other key justice agencies and civil society organizations – to develop and deliver more effective juvenile justice programs focused on prevention and rehabilitation instead of punishment. Prior to UJJRP, juveniles in Ukraine were charged as adults without recourse to rehabilitative programming, conditional sentencing, or other similar measures. As a direct result of the project, a Law on Probation was passed in 2015, marking an historic development in Ukraine’s judicial system.
Through implementation of this project, the documentary “Children Behind Bars” was produced, which premiered in Kyiv at the National Theatre and in Ottawa at the National Arts Centre. View Children Behind Bars here.
Ukraine Agribusiness Development Project Evaluation
Global Affairs Canada
The Ukraine Agribusiness Development Project (2001-2005), funded by Global Affairs Canada and Swedish Aid (SIDA) was implemented by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to support growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), to improve the business enabling environment and to promote private sector investment. Its principal platforms for achieving these objectives were: (a) policy revision; (b) business development feasibility studies and identification of opportunities: and (c) supply chain development. Alinea’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) team was required to evaluate the success with which the project had achieved the results identified in the contribution agreement. The evaluation covered macro level policy initiatives aimed at developing and supporting the national policies and legal frameworks relating to agribusiness development; meso level initiatives to build capacity in the banking and insurance sector; and micro level initiatives to develop market linkages between producers and local processors, including women.
Promoting Reform Objectives through Technical Expertise and Capacity Transfer
Global Affairs Canada through the Peace and Stabilization Operations Program
PROTECT supports institutions and agencies within the Ukrainian security and defence sector. Through deployment of Ukrainian and international experts as part of a robust planning and implementation framework, this project helps strengthen analytical approaches, build results-based management techniques, and support women, peace and security. PROTECT is a strategic-level institutional complement to Canada’s Operation UNIFIER, supporting Ukrainian armed forces. Democratic oversight is a key focus for PROTECT’S reform initiatives, helping to ensure accountability of the security and defence sector to Ukrainians.
Baseline Survey: Farm Privatization and Restructuring Project
World Bank
The World Bank provided loans to assist the Government of Uzbekistan to undertake a restructuring of the agricultural sector, necessitated by the impact of rapidly-changing economic conditions within the countries of the former Soviet Union. The Bank had prepared conceptual documents for the formulation of two projects focused on privatization and restructuring within the agricultural sector: the first of these was the Farm Restructuring Support Project, concerned principally with the development of the legal and institutional processes that needed to be developed to permit farm privatization and sustain it once it had been achieved; the second was a Farm Support Services Project to provide recapitalization funding to privatized farms, input suppliers and agricultural marketing businesses; working capital credits for farms and agribusinesses; and funding for essential infrastructure including farm roads, irrigation and possibly local markets. In preparation for these projects, the Bank commissioned Alinea to conduct a comprehensive baseline survey of agricultural information, especially in the large state farm sector. Alinea worked closely with the EDI Centre of Tashkent Agricultural University for the design and implementation of a countrywide agricultural baseline survey: Alinea designed the survey questionnaires and trained university staff in sampling procedures, survey methodology and data processing and analysis; the university then mobilized staff and students to undertake the survey in 20 regions throughout the country..
Good Governance Fund (GGF)
UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office – £ 7M
GGF’s primary objective is to build resilience by providing support for domestic reform agendas which reduce corruption; promote transparent and accountable institutions; and build open, inclusive economies and societies. The Programme Management Unit is responsible for supporting the UK Government in assessing needs and identifying areas where targeted TA can support domestic reforms and managing the portfolio of projects across the region. The PMU is also responsible for monitoring the day-to-day delivery of projects (including delivery of milestones) under the GGF mandate according to agreed timelines and budgets.
More on the Good Governance Fund:
Alinea to Manage DFID’s £ 95.8M Governance Fund in Eastern Europe.